I have a major crush...

…ok for the last several days I cannot get this guy out of my head… I’m totally obsessing, I think about him all the time, in all my spare moments, when I am falling asleep at night, when I am eating… all the time.

His name is Jonathon. He’s tall, dark, ruggedly handsome… he seems to be devoted to me in a very protective and chivalrous way… he never wears a shirt, has very little chest hair, huge leathery wings, oh, and did I mention he’s a vampire?

Yes, I am this sad and pathetic.

He appeared several nights ago in a dream I had, and since then I can’t stop thinking about him. I have never gotten this INTO something from my dreams before… it’s weird! Hell, I can’t even usually remember faces from my dreams–I remember the events well but the people…not so well. But this… his presense just overpowered everything else in the dream and I’ve been stuck ever since.

So come on… tell me I’m not THAT big a freak… this has happened to someone else, right? Anyone? Please?

Teeming Millions: http://fathom.org/teemingmillions
“Meat flaps, yellow!” - DrainBead, naked co-ed Twister chat
O p a l C a t

What’s pathetic about a fantasy?

Chances are, if you actually saw some guy walking around bare chested with big ass leathery wings, you’d laugh your ass off.

I’ve had vampire fantasies myself. I’ve also had the stray fantasy about sucubi(sp). It’s just a fantasy.

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

I’ve never dreamt about a vampire, but I have had dreams that are so real that I couldn’t shake them for several days. Recently I had a dream that my niece was killed in a car accident and it was so real I woke up actually crying.

Sounds like a nice fantasy to me, Opal. So I wouldn’t worry.

However, if this vampire starts whispering thing in your ear, like “Bite his neck!” or “KILL! KILL!”, why, then I’d seek professional help. :slight_smile:

…Blushing in embarassment… I used to have fantasy dreams years ago about Christopher Stone from the Interns. He was so hot when I was errrr younger…

We are, each of us angels with only one wing,and we can only fly by embracing one another

OpalCat, someone wrote an entire book on vampire dreams so you can’t be that unusual.

If you wake up one morning with little bite marks on your neck…I’d see a doctor…

“Do or do not, there is no try” - Yoda

I think it’s pretty cool that your dream is so vivid, and that it’s a vampire you’ve got a crush on. Ive had a crush on a guy from a dream before, but he wasnt that interesting and it only lasted a couple of days. Let us know if Jonathon shows up again.

Opinions From A Different Plane Dept: Could be it’s a premonition of a guy youre gonna meet (okay, probably not a vampire, but let’s say a particularly strong and protective guy - I wouldnt be too afraid of anything if I had a vampire on my side, so it could be a reflection of that. Or maybe a guy who’s come to terms with his shadow side). Or - and Im admitting this is way out there, folks, so please dont flame me for a loony - it could be a strong and protective guy you knew in a former life.

It does not matter that we are descended from the apes; the important thing is not to go back. – Richard Wagner

I’m with the Scarlet Pimpernel on this one – I think all dreams mean something and can be prophetic. Don’t want to get your hopes up here, but could be someone you’re going to meet, or someone you already know who will become important to you (or, yes, even from a former life!). I don’t think it’s a good idea to obsess about it, however. You’ll be looking for him everywhere and be disappointed. Maybe write down the dream, then try to put it in the back of your mind, then maybe one of these days, he’ll be there and suddenly you’ll realize “hey, this is my dream man!”

Yesterday I found out someone has a crush on me! And you know what? I’ve been chasing after her for the past 6 months! Only problem is that she lives in Columbus, and I in Cincinnati. If only she would’ve said something before I came back from winter break!! It was kinda weird how she laid it out that she was into me, cuz she didn’t directly come out and say it. I got an email from “Pimpin Cupid” (check it out at TheSpark.com ) sayin that someone had a crush on me, and I had to figure out who it was! Now I just need to figure out when the next time I’ll be able to go to Columbus. Hang on Erin, here I come! (figuratively speaking, for the time being…)

“People must think it must be fun to be a super genuis,
But they don’t realize how hard it is
to put up with all the idiots in the world.”
– Calvin and Hobbes

Priest might be a better choice. I’m not sure how far along the medical community is in vampiric research.

I had a very vivid ,very unusual,dream once.

I had my face right above this very flat-bellied woman’s navel. She was laying down, wearing tiny bikini panties, I never saw the top half of her…I had just hooked my fingers under the sides of her panties and started to pull them down…and I woke up.

The very heterosexual kellibelli

ps the most disturbing part was how entirely turned on I was when I woke up :o

I had a long-term affair with a guy once – just in dreams – but it was so real, I’d find myself wondering if we’d really done it in real life. It was a guy I worked with, and I finally figured if we had something going on, he would have said something. Then again, men can be such pigs, who knows?

This happened at a really stressful time in my life, and I think maybe that contributed to the half-reality.

It was very comforting at the time – I still feel extra fondness for this person, like he helped me through something.

I once had a dream where I was being pursued through a car park in a local town by several giant, 12-foot long pink translucent slugs. (Obviously the other people in the car park were fleeing too).

I’ve spent -years- avoiding analysing that one.

I never touched him, ref, honest!

Matt, maybe we could go half on a homo-dream therapy shrink!

Kellibelli, it’s a deal, but only if you’ll go half on being laughed at by gay friends at getting funny looks from the hetero ones.

I never touched him, ref, honest!

Well for those who say “oh it might be prophetic” let me remind you that I’m happily married, 8 years and counting… though we do have an open marriage ;D

Also, I write down all my dreams…online even. :slight_smile: My dream journal is at http://www.opalcat.com/dreams if you feel like mucking through my subconscious. The dream in question was from Jan 2… the daydreaming has taken things quite a bit …er…further than the dream itself.

Anyway, just to clarify, my question isn’t whether other people have dreamed of vampires, but whether other people have gotten so obsessed over someone they met in a dream… I still find it fairly embarrassing.

Teeming Millions: http://fathom.org/teemingmillions
“Meat flaps, yellow!” - DrainBead, naked co-ed Twister chat
O p a l C a t

ps, my dream journal goes back to September 1998… I highly recommend keeping a dream journal to everyone… especially after it’s been going on for a while it’s really interesting to read back…

Teeming Millions: http://fathom.org/teemingmillions
“Meat flaps, yellow!” - DrainBead, naked co-ed Twister chat
O p a l C a t


Your sig line takes on a new meaning after your revelation… :slight_smile:

Yer pal,

First Place
Most Popular Poster of the 20th Century Competition
As overseen by Coldfire

I do not want to hijack this thread honest!
But I have a recurring dream about airplanes crashing where i can see them.
It is freaky as hell.
Any pop analysis would be apreciated.

Viva La Dos Equis!

You’re not alone on that one, Beer. I see plane’s crashing on all the time, too. The last one was several months ago. I watched an airliner fall out of the sky. After the impact and explosion, an engine crashed at my feet. Woke up sweating. Between those and the tornado nightmares, I figure I have the disaster-dream market cornered.

Opal: Having warm memories of a pleasent dream seems natural to me but I would draw the line at obsessing over a fanstasy person. But hey, I haven’t met the girl of my dreams (literally or figuratively) so who am I to speak?