I have an interview scheduled at Barnes & Noble on Monday. I’m fairly confident about my chances of getting the job, except for one thing.
I have a subdermal zit on my chin. It looks like an embedded marble. I’ve been applying cream (prescription), and trying to squeeze it, but it’s too far below the skin for me to do anything with.
Will this ruin my chances of getting a sales job? I’m going to apply full makeup and hope for the best, but I’m telling you, this thing is huge. Would you hire someone with that condition, assuming they qualified for the job in all other respects?
Failing that, is there any way to get rid of it before it crowns?
Stop screwing around with it - it’ll only make it look worse at best, if not actually cause more problems.
Use enough makeup, but not too much.
You will hardly be the first person with a zit to apply for a salesjob.
I have skin that is amazingly creative in the ways it erupts, festers, breaks-out, and causes havoc. In fact, there is even a thread on these boards where I recount how one day my skin got so creative I wound up having surgery for the Amazing Pimple of Death. I am, nonetheless, a fully employed human being earning a good living.
In sum, yes, it is possible you’ll run into some dipstick of an interviewer who will cross you off the list for a blemish, but it is also unlikely. So relax, stop squeezing, apply a little cover up, and make sure all your other fine qualities are on display when you go for the interview. Got it?
Nothing wrong with that, and if it drains on its own that’s cool, just don’t try to hurry it along, OK? Surgery on the face for an abcess is no fun, and having half your face bandaged for 4-6 weeks during the healing is a LOT less attractive than a zit, I speak from experience.
Get yourself some raw bacon and cover this bump of yours with it. Leave it on overnight (tape it down). It’ll come to a head overnight and you can get rid of it.
Putting Bag Balm on it might help, too, if you don’t wanna do the bacon.
OK, SnoopyFan, that is now officially the Grossest Household Hint I have ever heard. It dethrones Heloise’s* suggestion to freeze things in your old nylon stockings. I think I’d rather just suffer the zit. They’re God’s way of chastizing us, y’know!
*The late household diva, not the poster here at SDMB