It seems that there are a couple of issues that occur fairly often here on SDMB.
- Speed or lack thereof
- Zombie threads
I have a thought that might help both of these. As I understand it one of the big speed killers is when somebody goes searching for an old thread. Let’s say I want to read the 1920’s death ray thread. Finding all the instances of that catch phrase will just about kill Herbie the hamster, and slow the board to a crawl while he is running on his wheel.
The other issue is when somebody posts to a zombie the threads the mods all have to gather torches, silver bullets and sharpened sticks to kill it. This happened to the Horror of Blimps IIRC.
So here is my suggestion. How about a new forum for classic threads? Place blimps, 1920’s death Ray, QTM’s bageldogs and all the other threads that are the true classics of the SMDB in this new forum. All the threads placed in this forum would be locked to prevent them from becoming zombies.
It seems to me that if we could lighten the load even a little bit on Herbie the board would tend to run faster, or at least would not bog down as far.
The way I see it for a thread to eligible for this classic forum it would have to be:
[li]At least 6 months old (so we know it is dead)[/li][li]At least 2(3?) pages (have we ever had a one page thread that could be considered a classic?) [/li][li]All threads in this forum are too be locked to prevent the creation of Zombies[/li][li]Since the zombie rules does not always apply in Café Society, extra care would have to be given if any of these threads are nominated.[/li][/ol]
So what do you think? Does this idea have merit or am I all wet?