When we got married, she had 2 older cats. Fine.
Over my expressed distaste, she got a rabbit. Fine.
We got a house and shortly thereafter, a new puppy. Sigh. Fine.
Then she half-adopted a local stray cat in the neighborhood that comes to our front door almost daily, seeking food (that we buy with our hard earned dollars).
Then, she came across two stray kitten littermates and brought them in for adoption only to find out the shelters are all full due to the housing crisis, so we would have to foster them. Christ already!
Then, it turns out we had to put one of them down because it had a fatal disease. ($400 - cough!)
Then, she argued, we have an ethical obligation to disclose the littermate’s death due to fatal disease, and then nobody will want this little guy, especially when the shelters are overcrowded as it is. Therefore, let’s just keep him. At that point, my choices are to (1) waste time trying to place a kitten nobody will want; (2) set it loose to fend for itself; or (3) secretly kill one or more of the other animals in this zoo. :mad:
Anyway, the tally is now 3.5 cats, 1 dog, and 1 rabbit.
Notably, I work for myself in my home office while my wife commutes to her job. So guess who gets to do all the zookeeping?
One of my household jobs is taking out the trash. The kitty litter is not already in the trash, so guess who gets to change out the litter boxes?
Since I am home all day, guess who notices when their bowls are empty and fills them?
Guess who also gets roped into feeding the half-pet outside “as a favor” and “while I’m at it?”
I also walk the dog more than she does.
Meanwhile, she just plays with the animals at times in the evening, goes on most of the dog walks, and goes to bed, then complains that I don’t help with the laundry enough.
I am screwed here? The zoo wasn’t my choice, but I am the zookeeper. In rebuttal, she would probably say she didn’t soil my clothes, but she washes them anyway.
Thankfully, I have ZERO obligations to the rabbit and I refuse to deal with it except an very rare water re-fill. My wife does that part.
What is the best way to arrange litter boxes for 3 fucking cats? And I mean 3 fucking cats, not 3 fucking cats. One huge box? 3 smaller boxes?
As it is now, we have one bigger box in the garage for the 2 older cats and 1 smaller indoor box for the kitten, who is stinking up the house. Also, the dog is feasting on little kitty snacks from the litter box. However, now that the kitty is a bit bigger, it’s time he started stinking up the garage with the other 2 beasts instead.
How often should litter boxes get scooped and changed out anyway? I have a feeling we are underperforming in that department.
Maybe with 3 fucking cats, it’s time for an automated box? Suggestions?
I love animals, just not so many of them that they disturb my work and enjoyment of my home.