I have HAD it with the construction.

His big schlong…

I know people like updates, and I just had to share this.

They finished the construction across the hall, so my life is less interfered with. The carpet people were back last week, I assume for the carpet in the suite on the 4th floor. They were the biggest handicapped spot offenders.

I go out to lunch, and they are cutting carpet in the parking lot. They have the carpet rolls unrolled out over the handicapped spots. We have at least two people with permanent tags that work somewhere in the building that usually park there. As I left, I noticed the carpet and wondered where the usual parkers were. Out at lunch? Not in yet? The construction people were leaving for lunch, and they left the carpet there.

When I got back, one of the permanent tag people had driven on the carpet and parked right on top of it. Deliberate? Just didn’t see it? Who knows, but I giggled the whole way back to my office.

(We didn’t get a “who the hell parked on the carpet memo?” or anything. And I don’t think they called the cops.)


dang I just spit coffee all over my monitor…

Now how good is the morale is that office building that afternoon?

I was a Property Manager for 17 years and there is no way in hell that I would have allowed that kind of rude behavior. Sometimes because of time constraints or weather, you have no choice but to inconvenience people, but not all the time!

I work in one of two identical buildings, both of which have been getting their lobbies remodeled. This has been going on since September. We have underground parking so the truck traffic doesn’t interfere with that so much, but it does interfere with the shuttles. We don’t get much noise up on the 9th floor; bad odors occasionally waft up, though. The water pressure in our men’s room is noticeably lower.

I think the OP’s company urgently needs some handicapped Temps.

Not just for the parking issue.

But for the elevators. Call the Landlord once or twice about them being locked out and having handicapped people unable to leave the building and being put at risk (especially when the fire alarms keep going off) and then if nothing is done, go to the appropriate State and Local Government Entities.

Hilarity ensues.

Oh, and I’d also start demanding a break on the lease due to the inconvenience. Not just the lobby and noise, but the constant loss of productivity due to false alarms, power failures and interuptions of vital services. Backed up in writing by my attorney.