I have some really great coworkers!

I have recently started college. The program I’m taking is specifically designed for the working woman (it’s an all girls school). The classes meet only on Saturdays, for 5 hours at a time.
Anyway, my coworkers found out and have been so supportive. One coworker told me she’d give me her copy of MS Word. Turns out, it wasn’t just Word. It was Excel, Quicken, Powerpoint, Word, Access, Outlook and Office Tools. This software cost something like $300!!!
Another coworker sold me a perfectly fine monitor for $10 because mine was all fuzzy and was giving me a headache.
Another coworker gave me a printer and 2 ink cartridges for free!
All of my coworkers ask me every Monday how my class went, what grades did I get and how much homework do I have.

There was also a strange coincidence. One of the women at the school, I think she’s an employee, posted on the school message board that she was selling a 17" monitor for $20. I e-mailed her from work to tell her I was interested (the one from my coworker was about 12"). She e-mailed me back and told me it was her husbands monitor and that I should call him, since he works for the same company I do. In the same building. He was so cool about it. He brought the monitor back to work after his lunch break. It’s not like this is a small town. The school and my work are both in relatively large towns, 30 minutes from each other. What were the chances??

So anyway, there have been so many threads about crappy coworkers that I just felt I had to share. Not all coworkers are bad. Some are actually quite wonderful.

That’s very cool. Cherish them :slight_smile:

That’s great to have such support, how wonderful for you. Good coworkers are sort of like good neighbors, you really notice the crappy ones but we seldom hear about the type who go above and beyond.
I’ll share a nice coworker story, I’d nearly forgotten but yours reminded me. We had a house fire in a rental home in '97, lost nearly everything and had to move home to the parents for three months while the house was rebuilt. Naturally, I was just glad we were both okay, stuff is just stuff, but starting over from scratch was daunting. My coworkers didn’t try and guilt everyone into contributing something, nor plan any embarassing benefit collections, a few of them just quietly went out of their way to help out. One showed up at work with a complete set of dishes and cutlery that they’d had packed away for ages, one donated a microwave the kids didn’t need after graduating college, two pressed checks into my hand and one very slick guy sent a fellow mom over to casually talk about kid stuff and get a current clothing size for my child, once she reported back to him he went shopping and bought a few outfits and small toys for my son. I was so incredibly touched by their thoughtfulness, it made a tough situation much brighter. Thanks for reminding me!