I have the sex drive of a 16 year old guy

Do you have kids? Women who have a child get a special muscle tone from childbirth that gives them extreme sexual pleasure around the mid thirties.

Also, how do you know its prime time? You haven’t been in your 40’s or 50’s yet…

As a man married to a lovely 32 year old woman I find your OP very heartening, Porcupine. Thanks! :smiley:

A couple of years past fourty here and my libido shows no sign of slowing either. But I am intrigued by this Hair Trigger Clit™ though, you’d better be careful with that or you’ll put someone’s eye out.

All I have to say is that, if this ever hits any of you lovely ladies at a DopeFest that I happen to be attending, please feel free to utilize me in any manner that you see fit. Since I have attended DopeFests with Porcupine, Geobabe, and Sophie, and wanted to sleep with them all (either separately or all at once), I would be remiss if I didn’t offer my services.

mE 2 GUYZ. I am 34 and it is getting worse. I need more of it.

I peaked this year when I met my new partner.

Maybe we should also start up a group for the over 30’s what you think :slight_smile:

My sentiments exactly! I’m only 26 and I want it all the freakin’ time. Now I’m going to be sexually frustrated all day because I won’t be able to get any until later tonight. Dammit!

OK, I could NOT let this slide, try as I might.

The OP is about DESIRE. porc is talking about the constant want for sex [sub]damn that rings a bell[/sub], not the pleasure of having it. That’s a whole other thread.

Drive by posts! Get them while they’re hot!

We peak at 19?

I am so glad nobody told me that before, I’m 36 and feel like two eighteen year olds.

I don’t think Lola minds and since she’s just entering her thirties I think it will work out just fine.

Can you say marathon sex?


I often feel like two eighteen year olds…

Would that be Salsa, Tango, Swing, or the Horizontal Bop? Although I must admit my Salsa-ing leaves something to be desired.

We need the SDMB to distract us from thoughts of sex, although this thread does NOTHING to help THAT effort!

Obviously a Kid-Free thread.

I knew this would bring all the other 30-something horny women out of the woodwork. And a few of the men as well.

Let me clarify the OP. The only reason this is a there is any real down side to this is that I currently have no SO. If I did, well, I’d be having sex a lot, and not posting on the SDMB. And, unfortunately or not, my standards have not decreased as my libido has increased, so finding anyone, either long distance or local, that I want to spend any time with is a fairly rare thing. When I find someone I’m interested in, I’m easy. :smiley: Unfortunately, I just don’t meet that many men I “click” with. Thanks God for toys from Good Vibrations.

Also, it’s just damn distracting sometimes.

I make decent money, so maybe I should just consider hiring a live-in sex slave. He can clean up and walk the dog and take care of the kitties when I’m not there.

And as far as the Hair Trigger Clit, it basically is exactly what it sounds like. I orgasm very easily, and very often. From my POV, if I can count or remember how many I had in a given session, it probably wasn’t that good (unless of course we were trying to put that first one off as long as possible). Uncountably many is the typical number. This is a very good thing.

And yeah, no kids here. But I don’t need to have had kids to know about the benefits of Kegels. I sometimes do these in meetings to avoid falling asleep.

As far as getting "shhssh"ed during sex, well, frankly, I doubt that I would have heard it.

So I get off I-90 at which exit? I kin be there in about four hours. Start without me if you must …

I heard it. Ignored it and kept squealing, but I KNOW I heard a “shshhhh” between other noises. :slight_smile:
When I’m focused on a goal, stay out of my way, 'cuz I’ll knock you down. :wink:
And porc, if I had an SO, I’d never leave the house. I’d let him out to work, gotta have the money come in, hehehehehe.

And I’d post a lot less here.

Sex? Oh, I remember that—that’s the thing with the wheels, isn’t it?

. . . Oh, no. I think that’s a bicycle. Well, whatever this “sex” is, I’m sure it’s perfectly delightful, and I don’t blame you a bit for wanting to do it.


Ah, christ

This is REALLY not fair.

Dammit, I HAVE an SO and STILL gotta go without for two months.

And I have to come here and read about these lady Dopers who are off-the-chart sexy, but aren’t getting enough?!?

:: Falls to the floor, weeping and sobbing “It’s just not fair!” ::

…and before you single types start climbing all over me and claiming that two months is nothing, lemme toss this at you. When you’re used to averaging 3 - 5 times a week and have to suddenly go cold turkey, but still share a bed with someone who’s naked and just as horny as you?

All I can say is this forced celibacy is enough of a trial that it’d better at LEAST get me outta a few years of purgatory.

Dammit, porc. You’ve enumerated every guy’s fantasy. We don’t have a problem with being a ‘kept man’. And if ya sprang for a home fitness center, I’d have been able to offer you a gymnast’s physique for your enjoyment in less than a month, too sigh


I’m peaking, I work days, and my husband works nights!!!

We’re never in the same room at the same time, I swear. But over the last year or so, I’ve noticed my desire going waaaaaaay the hell up (I’m 34, BTW).


This sucks. It just sucks. :frowning:

The thing with feathers.