I have to shave my cats butt. eek.

As I indicated upthread, I’ve used an electric razor to shave our cat. In fact, it’s an alectric razor specifically made to shave cats.

I have to say that taking Lilly to the groomer was the best.decision.evar.

$37 plus tip and I have a lion cut pussy.
I watched the groomer handle her for the final buzz stuff about the head and I was impressed how into-the-zone the cat went as he did his job.

I’ll post a picture if I can get a good non-ass angle of her.

My sister has a long-haired cat who used to get dingleberries from time to time. Now she takes kitty to the vet every couple of months to get what the vet calls a “hygenic trim”. Vetspeak for "good butt-shavin’ ". No more dingleberries.

 Also, the turd-shaped pukes probably are hairballs.  The turdy-looking things are matted hair.

And there I’ve been for weeks, wondering if it was time to put in a new sig line.


Oh, good. I was going to suggest catnip and a flowbee.