What things have you done or seen that you suspect nobody else has? And if someone has seen what you’ve seen they can feel free to chime in.
Seen a partial solar eclipse on the Indian Ocean
Had my 5 y/o niece (she’s now 13) start talking to me about my soulmate, completely out of the blue
Seen a mother wren apparently mourning her babies after some blue jays got them
Had 3 close encounters with peregrine falcons
Gone on a 4 day sailing ship cruise along the Maine coast (last year)
Visited (but not actually flown on) Air Force One. And yes, Mr. Reagan was on board, so it was at the time.
Spray painted a car purple.
Watched three performances from the presidential box at the Kennedy Center.
Endured a “challenge” polygraph.
Turned down 12 marriage proposals.
Earned a six-figure salary without a college degree.
Argued before a Congressional Hearing.
Scraped a barnacle off of a navy ship (pretty sure it was an aircraft carrier - bloody huge for sure.)
Stood before a massive EMP blast.
Sung an *actual *Irish lullaby to my baby. (As Gaeilge)
Run up the down side of the world’s longest escalator.
I have voted as a juror to convict a man of felony murder.
I have been underneath the Arctic icepack.
I have been accosted by Burmese secret police.
I have landed an airplane at night with no lights on (neither airplane or runway).
I have traveled around the world in two weeks.
According to the interwebs, that’s either in Tokyo or Hong Kong. Unless you mean “longest freestanding escalator” then it may be in GA.
As for me, I’ve designed, built, and flown my own Tricopter. Though, I could probably just say “heard of a tricopter” which would be enough.
I have run in (what felt like) slow motion across an entire beach to get a towel for a classmate who started having a miscarriage while swimming in Lake Michigan on a band trip.
I have been sexually abused while watching an animated MadTV skit (Spy vs. Spy).
I ingested half a bottle of liquid B-vitamins and thought I was dying, when it was just a B-flush. I was watching Garfield with my little sister after school (our parents were both at work). I told my sister I loved her, and closed my eyes. I seriously thought I was going to die, but I didn’t want to freak her out so I didn’t say anything. Then I woke up after a nap and felt fine.
…been to 47 of the continental United States.
…rafted down the Colorado River the length of the Grand Canyon.
…snuggled a skunk.
…gotten my ass kicked by Harry Blackstone.
…stolen beer from Great White.
…walked through a crowd of 250,000 people wearing nothing but sneakers and a strategically-placed fanny pack.
I have:
crossed out of Iraq on foot, twice, once into Kuwait, once into Turkey;
hitched a ride on a snow plow in Siberia above the article circle in December;
wrecked an armored car in Greece.
[li]Competed in a rodeo in between chemotherapy treatments[/li][li]Been bitten by a mountain lion (it was a cub – I’m fine)[/li][li]Got a U.S. patent[/li][li]Been inside a BBC control room during a newscast[/li][li]Been treed by a wild bull elk[/li][li]Watched wolves hunting[/li][li]Been interviewed live on the radio for 1/2 hour[/li][li]Been attacked by hummingbirds while rock climbing (they had a nest in a little tree growing out of a crack in the rock)[/li][li]Wrote one of the entries in the World Book Encyclopedia[/li][li]Ridden an elephant[/li][li]Wrote part of a standards document (and chaired the committee that produced it) which was adopted by the FCC[/li][/ul]