I heard a voice in my head the other day

So the other night, I’m working on the picture pages web site and I thought I heard someone talking…inside my head. I asked who it was (not out loud of course, I’m not crazy) and I was told her name was Janet. I told her I’m not supposed to hear voices in my head and I wasn’t going to listen to her. She argued but eventually shut up.

I haven’t heard from her since. Do you think I hurt Janet’s feelings?

Almost certainly; why else would she have kept quiet since?

I suggest buying a large bunch of flowers/box of chocolates and inserting them in your ear.

I think you’ve been working too hard on that website. :slight_smile:

No, dude, that was me.

I was telling you to “can it” and get back to work.

So, get back to work.
Keeper of 16 of his own voices.

Max- What did Janet say?

My name is Janet and I don’t recall being in anyone’s head recently.:wink:

Yeah Max, what was Janet saying?

I took a poll of my own inner voices.
4 out of five of them said the fifth voice was an idiot.

First it was a couple of hello’s, then I asked the name, got Janet, I told Janet I wasn’t talking to her, she insisted I was going to talk to her and lahlahlahlahlahlahlah…I was able to zone her out.

Luckily I was married once so I knew how to not listen :slight_smile:

Awhile back there was a link on SD to a website that had instructions on how to make a tinfoil hat to block government mind-ray transmissions. If Janet returns, you might try that. That is, unless you enjoy talking to her.

By the way, if she ever tells you to kill anyone, please don’t do it.

Max, you should have had her leave a number and called her back later. Otherwise, you never know when she might come back and interrupt you. :smiley:

screech-owl, I guess that shouldn’t be a problem, as long as they don’t consider you to be the fifth voice.


Janet, huh?

Well, now we know what happened to Joyce Dewitt.

Max- having done some programming stuff at times, I’m curious. Were you sleep deprived or lacking food at the time? I tend to get pretty odd when I’m tired and have low blood sugar. Sometimes being on a hyper-focused task can get you to forget how much time has passed. Have you heard voices before? If they start telling you to do weird stuff (like buying all kinds of Britney Spears crap off of Ebay) you should see a doctor. They can usually help with that kind of stuff.

Just wanted to comment on the presence of a person titled “the Sane” in a thread like this…

[sub]Snicker, snicker, snicker…[/sub] :smiley:

Are you sure she was really talking to you? 'cause when I’m falling asleep I sometimes hear other people’s conversations. One’s like someone saying " Over here by the cubicles is where we kill people," and " I told her she’s not the queen, I am" and so on. When I realize that I’m doing that I try to stop since it isn’t polite to eavesdrop like that. Perhaps your sleepy brain is like a police scanner too.