I heard my unborn baby's heartbeat (again)!

Yes, I had a checkup with my OB/Gyn earlier this week. I’m 10 weeks along, and feeling much better thanks to an anti-vomiting medication I’m taking!

According to the pregnancy books, I was “supposed to” get examined, have more blood and urine taken, etc. etc. My Gyn told me that all my tests from last time were normal, and that all I’d have to do is give them a urine sample each time I came in. She brought in this little hand-held doppler device, and rubbed it on my abdomen. At first I was hearing a slow “swish swish”, and I thought, that’s too slow to be the baby. She said that was the placenta. She couldn’t find the baby at first, and I was starting to get a little worried because when I was SO sick I could barely eat anything. But she told me that this was the third baby today that had been hiding from her- she was running the doppler down low, on my pubic line, and she said, So much hair! I’m can’t see the forest for the trees!" (Yes, I have a copious thatch of pubic hair) I said, “The baby’s a little shrub and it’s hiding.” and she laughed. Finally, down low near the top of my pubic line, she found it!

The first time I heard the baby’s heartbeat was at six weeks during an ultrasound, and it was a quick “swish swish”. This time it was still quick, but it sounded more like a heartbeat. I was so relieved, but I was trying not to cry because any little move I made made a noise on the Doppler.

Now I feel more “into” the pregnancy, I feel like, “I’m going to be someone’s Mommy!” For a while, during my bout of severe nausea & vomiting, I wasn’t feeling all that impressed with the pregnancy thus far. I was like, “Nausea & dizziness…grumblegrumble…hormone surges…grumblegrumble…vomiting profusely…grumblegrumble…”

And oh, boy, am I emotional! My husband bought the Harry Potter DVD and we took it over to a friend’s house to watch since the friends hadn’t seen it yet, and at the end when Harry is saying goodbye to Hagrid on the train platform, I started to get a little teary-eyed!
And then yesterday, I was in the grocery store, and of course they play music, but this time it was “real” songs instead of horrible muzak. And Louis Armstrong’s “What a Wonderful World” comes on. That song gets me a little misty anyway, but I was like, “Oh, god, I’m going to cry, I don’t want to be standing in the middle of the Creams and Lotions aisle bawling my eyes out over a song!” So I started blinking a lot and sniffling, and managed to keep the tears in for the most part. I guess I could just tell people that I’m hormonally challenged because I’m pregnant, and they would understand.

I’m glad that the lil’ sprout is okay so far- I’ve been worried because for most of the first trimester I wasn’t able to eat that well (or keep it down!), and I wasn’t able to take my pre-natal vitamins either. But one of the pregnancy books said that most women have enough “stores” that if they have problems with nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy, the baby uses what’s been “stored up”.

I’ll be in the second trimester in a little over two weeks- woo-hoo!

And the estimated due date (so far) is January 5, 2003! (Where’s the fetus smiley when you need one?) :smiley:

Congratulations moggy! There’s truly nothing more magical than a new baby. Best of luck during the rest of the pregnancy, and remember – crackers in the am are your friend!