I hope your baby burns her eyes out

This is of course exactly what I said. The parents reaction was entirely unreasonable.

He shouldn’t *have *to say something to you about your kid jumping on a couch in a waiting room. You’re NOT at home. He may not know any better, but you should.

I disagree.

And in any case, my point was that the guy should have spoken to me, not to the kid. Even if I am a terrible parent whose kids are going to end up being murderous rapscallions as they grow up, the guy should have spoken to me, not to my kid–or anyway, he could speak to my kid, but not grab him and speak loudly an inch away from his face. Correct?

That’s a horrible idea.

That stuff comes out in drops. It would have taken forever.

Exactly, their hands are more resistant to cold and are far better utilised getting a beer.

Heh. You should have sicced CPS on their sorry asses for child endangerment.

That’ll larn 'em!

Silly, you break the bottle. That way it also has broken glass in it.

You’re wrong.

I agree that he should have spoken to you before saying anything to, let alone touching, your kid.

But if you think it’s okay for your kid to jump on the couch in the waiting room unless someone explicitly says it’s inappropriate and bothersome, then yes, you’re one of those asshole “as long as it’s not bothering ME” parents.

You’re sure the person was a toddler and not a 17 year old little person? Cause that’s the only justification the parent has in this scenario.

That didn’t occur to me.

April fools! OF COURSE it occurred to me!

I would never have grabbed a kid but damn right I would have said something. Maybe not shouted an inch away from his face, but a loud, firm voice, would have been appropriate. Children are like dogs sometimes and don’t get it until you say it in a certain tone of voice.

Where were you, anyway, while your kid was being an obnxious hellion in the waiting room?

Or one of those big barbeque forks. Also shiny, and pointy, too.

I would just have told the kid “don’t touch that stuff…it will give you ERECTILE DISFUNCTION, just like it did your poor dad !”

Then the kid would been all scared and crying about ERECTILE DISFUNCTION.

Give the kid something to look forward to ya know.

Erectile dysfunction… it’s not just for little girls, anymore.

What else are you going to do? The eight year old was busy fetching beer.

And its funnier when little girls say it.

And wait a minute, the internet told me it was spelled with i, not a y! My damn disfunctional brain!

At best, she’d get out “Wecta Funki!”

Which is pretty funny, now that I think about it…

Heh heh. The dark sense o’ humor is showing. I like it :smiley:

Please please please let this become the next SDMB meme.

If you’re reading this now, your assignment for today is to say “Wecka Funki” in at least one other thread.

Jesus, man. I’m still trying to figure out how to work “like taking Tabasco from a baby” into my Labor meeting coming up.