I hope your baby burns her eyes out

It doesn’t have to be an either-or thing.

You have now coined a new phrase: “like taking Tabasco from a baby”.

-Hey, how did that Staff Report go?
-It was like taking tabasco from a baby. Everybody was yelling and screaming.
-Hey, did you hear that Jane had a car accident?
-Yeah, they told me it was like taking tabasco from a baby. Everybody was yelling and screaming.
-Captain, we hit an iceberg.
-Shit, this is going to be like taking tabasco from a baby. Everybody will be yelling and screaming.

Welcome to the Webster.

It was a barbecue? You should have offered to swap the Tabasco for a live coal. Babies love shiny glowy things.

Instead of pitting the douchenozzle, you should be antipitting the host. People do stupid shit all the time. People don’t call them on it very often.

Anyway, you should be hoping the baby burns their eyes out.

That’s why they say, “It’s like taking candy from a baby”.

If you take hot sauce from a baby it causes a world of shit.

This is brilliant - I’m using it today!

This one time, at band camp, for 20 minutes in the 60s? I burning your Tabasco like a motherfuck from orbit. It’s the only way to eat stupid food for breakfast.

I know this is going to make me sound like a jerk, but when I spot a toddler approaching, I leave the area. I’ve got in-laws who were quite prolific and when one of their kids approaches my area, I bail, now.

Ya gotta have your head on a swivel! There’s no telling when one is coming your way unless you maintain constant vigilance! :smiley:

You should have said, “Sorry, my bad” and handed the tabasco sauce back to the kid.


I was thinking the same thing.

The parents’ names weren’t Gomez and Morticia, were they?

After removing the top.

And emptying the bottle into a sippy cup.


This is great.

Is it possible that the parents had actually asked her to go get the Tobasco sauce? It’s not like the stuff is nuclear waste.

Don’t get me wrong, the parents were being ridiculous for berating you for doing something perfectly rational, but my daughter isn’t quite yet two and Tobasco isn’t really a big deal to her. I wont say that she enjoys the sensation, but I wouldn’t have any problem with her carrying a bottle a short distance. She has sampled food drenched in it without screaming bloody murder.

Who the hell sends a toddler to get them condiments at a barbecue?

Even if this was true, wouldn’t a more rational response from the parents be to tell BrightNShiny that’s what they did, instead of start screaming so much they had to be asked to leave?

Who cares? Then you react calmly and say, “Thanks, but my kid loves Tabasco sauce and I asked her to get some.”

I mean, if you would be sending your kid to go get Tabasco sauce, at a BBQ, in the first place!

I don’t know how old the toddler is. It sounds like the parents weren’t actually that far away. They were likely watching her. I don’t think my daughter would have a problem with that task, and she would enjoy doing it.

Holy crap.

I once griped a guy out for grabbing my kid by the arm and yelling in his face “You’re not at home!” when my kid was jumping on a couch in a waiting room. I told the guy he should have said something to me rather than grabbing my kid and scaring him. And I kind of wondered if I was being one of those parents.

But reading stories like the above makes me feel much better. I’m not one of those parents at all.