I just bought a Staub cocotte. Now what?

I indulged myself in a beautiful dark red oval Staub cocotte.

Ain’t it pretty?

Rather than think up an appropriate meal to cook in it, I thought I’d ask you guys. It always sparks my creativity to get some cooking input.

What ought I to make?

I’m making a very wonderful beef stew right now, perfect for this time of year.

I just sampled it and it will be most wonderful; so I suggest a nice beef stew with a glass on $3,750 Cabernet Sauvignon on the side.

I thought you said it was thirty seven fifty. :eek:

I’ve been meaning to try this, and that seems like the perfect pot for it.

I’m in the mood for some Hungarian goulas or chicken paprikas, myself! :o

Or maybe some Sauerbraten!

Ooooh, I’ve made this! Threw lots of mushrooms in, too, and I believe I reduced/thickened the sauce a bit more. It was heavenly, anyway.

I have one of those! (Well, two, actually. Got them as the best Christmas gift ever from my mom and brother a number of years back. I use them pretty much every single time I cook.) Anyhow, any type of stew, of course. I would second the goulash or paprikash suggestions. It’s also great for those no-knead bread recipes, if you’re interested in that sort of thing.

Ooo…I’ve never tried chicken braised in milk before, but Italian milk-braised pork is quite awesome, too.

Also, other than the goulash and paprikash, another one of my go-to fall/winter braising/stew meals is Belgian beef carbonnade.

Shrimp or crawfish etouffee, gumbo, jambalaya.

My God, I’m hungry now! :o

Oxtail Stew. When my gf makes oxtail stew it is in a similar pot. It takes a coupla days to make, but it is worth every second.

What size is it?

Beef Bourguignon or Carbonnade a la Flammande.

Or Venison Bourguignon. Mmmmmmmmm.

Seven quarts, big enough for quite a chubby chicken. That chicken in milk recipe sounds terrific. I’ll buy a high quality chicken this weekend and try it.

I first saw this pot on Lidia Bastianich’s show and fell in love. The folks in the kitchen shop said this model was in great demand, no doubt due to the show’s popularity.

7 qts? You must need a three people to lift it!

It sounds amazing!

It’s a hefty mother, all right. When I put it in the oven, I do it in two steps: first the pot, then the lid. The lid alone is substantial and thick and weighs a ton.