I’m so excited. I wanted a green one but I had to settle for blue. I am charging it right now. I just wanted to ask fellow ipod mini users here at the dope if they have any suggestions that I need to know. Do I have to wait the full 4 hours for it to charge the first time? I heard that people have problems if they don’t. Also, does anyone know of a program that can get rid of duplicate MP3s before I upload them to the iPod?
Don’t drop it.
Wow, that’s crazy. My sister just got hers but in pink. I have to wait until after finals for mine.
I don’t know how welcome in here, I’ll be, but my 20Gb Ipod came by UPS yesterday. I’d let it charge up well. One thing I found is that I don’t really like itunes. It works OK, but is a bit resouce heavy and complicated for my tastes. You might like using Ephpod instead. I found it much more user friendly, and intuitive.
iTunes gets a little better behaved just after you fire it up for the first time. (Cataloging and preseting volume settings takes quite a bit of processing power.)
I wouldn’t worry about the battery so much, LiIon batteries don’t get a ‘memory’ like older rechargables did.
When I got my 3g 10 gig ipod, I was futzing with it all night before letting it get a full strong charge. a Month or so later I tested it and it got the advertised play life on a charge.
Sure do love Firewire (and USB 2.0) for music transfers. 128 mb used to take 25-30 minutes on my Pocket PC, 10 Gb takes 12 minutes on my ipod.
Actually, I use Itunes already. I switched because it has a neato search function built right in, so I end up buy some music on it or finding other songs that I woudl like to download instead of buying. The only problem that I have with i-tunes is that it doesn’t seem to search for new songs in your library automatically. I just went through the process of having itunes sort my music. But is it not going to delete the copies of the files it creates? I don’t want two copies of every MP3 that I own.
It all depends on your preference settings in Itunes. New music not ‘aquired’ through iTunes or iTMS can just be dragged and dropped onto the ‘Library’ item.
I let iTunes handle pretty much all of my music except allofmp3.com stuff, an occasional drag and drop of that folder on library registers the new music without making dupes.