Mother fucking, cock sucking, son of a fucking bitch!!!
Maybe it’s the god damned heat driving me just a little nuts here but what the hell is wrong with people?
This is a work related rant from the guy who just looooooooooooooves his job.
So we’ve been looking at making some changes at work in our schedule, since we can’t get reliable weekend staff I proposed that everyone would work every second Saturday or Sunday. Everyone except one person liked the idea especially the part time staff who will get more hours and in one person’s case, full company benefits. This is the way things are going anyways so it is a lot better if we can do this on our own before someone mandates the changes without us being able to give any input.
My counterpart who used to work every Saturday and who bitched when that extra shift wasn’t available now says she doesn’t want to be obligated to work any Saturdays. She had just asked me to be put on the schedule whenever a Saturday shift was available. I am tempted to pull her off every Saturday she has booked in for because if it’s such a hardship on her she doesn’t have to work them.
Anyways, she torpedoed the entire project by calling management and bitching about it.
Now we have to start over and those staff who were going to get the extra hours and benefits may not get them. When they ask why I will send them to my co-worker, the submarine commander so SHE can explain it to them.
Gripe #2, it is really fucking hot out, 30C or 86F… any way you look at it, it’s too god damned hot. Our office walls are made of brick and the windows are too small for a skinny guy like me to fit through. There’s no ventilation and the whole place works like a giant oven. My bright idea was to move the office downstairs where it is always a pleasant 65F with bigger windows and more light. Our computer would love us for it too. I figured out that the cost of moving everything would come to nothing except some time which I would even volunteer. I can move the phone lines myself… no big.
We mentioned it to the powers that are and whats that I hear? Another fucking torpedo coming our way.
Never even got that one out of the gate.
I figure a little job action is in order on this one. The folks who work out of that beautiful air conditioned office haven’t got clue fucking one. Let’s turn off their precious air for a day and see if they change their narrow little minds.
All is not lost, it just means that we have to go back to the drawing board and try doing things in a different manner.
I thank you for your time and now return you to your regularly scheduled tour of the Pit.