I just saw Matthew Lesko...

I passed by him in front of my office on Michigan Ave. And yes, he was wearing “the suit.”

For those that don’t know, he’s the “Free Money from the Government” guy with the ubiquitous infomercials and books. Famous for wearing a Riddler like suit covered in question marks.

Last year, I saw him riding a scooter down Connecticut Ave here in DC.

Did you take the opportunity to slap him a good one upside the head?

No, I just asked Commissioner Gordon to tell Batman that the Riddler has a scam of repackaging government documents into books and and collecting the proceeds. It’s the most galling supervillian scheme since that Superman III thing of collecting the pennies lopped off of accrued interest.

I saw him driving the Leskomobile a couple times, but not recently. I don’t see his TV commercials any more either. I wondered if he’d retired.


For those of you who weren’t around in '01…
This was Flash before Flash was cool.


(Warning: May cause irritation. Has “sound.” Contains WTF imagery. Possibly NSFW.)

Nothing beats Viking Kittens though.

I saw him in a Starbucks in Connecticut Avenue a few years ago wearing the suit.

I figured he’d be at Billy Mays’ funeral.

That guy’s totally a virgin.

I used to see him all the time in the Adams Morgan/Dupont Circle area