I just wrote and published my first Wikipedia article

Just now I clicked on one stub too many, devoid of content. I couldn’t help myself: I went ahead and filled in the information.

Isis (song)

Well, someone had to. Since “Isis” and I go way back together, as well me as anyone, right? At least I can handle the English language with competent literary style. I always used this song to tune my guitar. It starts in the key of A, so I always tuned my A string to it.

What do you think? How many Dopers are Wikipedia authors? I bet there have probably already been lots of “Doper Wikipedia author” threads.


But seems like a well-written page to me. You’ve done your research. :slight_smile:

I started the Freedy Johnston page. It wasn’t anything more than a few sentences and a discography, but the man deserved to have SOMETHING.

I’ve made minor changes before, and written two stubby-articles on a couple of silent films. I guess that makes me a Wikipedia author, if not much of one.

A few weeks ago, my first article (on Dreyer’s 1924 film Michael) was vandalized. The article was reverted immediately and I missed the whole thing, but it still made me all giddy, since someone had actually read it and, not only that, cared enough to vandalize it. That’s very satisfying, in a twisted sort of way.

Good work, Johanna.

I do a fair amount of work on Wikipedia. I’ve written about a half-dozen articles and done over 500 edits total. I do all of my work under my real name, and I’d like to see more people doing that. It builds up the credibility of the whole corpus of work when people are willing to sign their real name to what they write.

I probably go to Wikipedia every day now for research on different topics. The only things I’ve added is that propranolol, a beta blocker, is now being used to treat post-traumatic stress disorder. Go me!

Being a professional Pedant, I routinely correct typos and grammatical errors; it’d be handy if we could do that with SDMB posts, since I’m sure at least 10% of my post count is acknowledging my own errors. I also have a habit of sticking modern geographic references into historical articles, especially for UK and Japanese locations.

For me, it was the shocking realization that no article existed on Jack Kirby’s comic book adapation of 2001 that made me create my first page from scratch. Those four paragraphs really added to the sum of human knowledge!


I created a couple of stub-ish articles on Pete Gray and Plimpton 322. A ttance compared to the well researched and written article you have created, Johanna.

I’ve started articles for Madeleine Milhaud (widow/cousin of the French composer Darius Milhaud), Pacific 231 (a piece by Arthur Honegger), and Danse de la Chèvre (another Honegger piece). I’m thinking about starting one for Honegger’s wife.