I know gender is variable, but re the "Pregnant Man" isn't there a breaking point?

No, the definitions AREN’T cut and dry, and trying to pretend they are just causes problems. Should an androgen insensitive woman be forbidden to compete in women’s sports just because she has XY genes ? It’s happened.

Well, live with it. In the real world definitions tend to get messy at the edges, because human definitions are artificial.

Yeah they are. See, mswas just makes them up, so they’re whatever he says they are.

Well, that and it makes headlines and increases sales.

It’s cut and dried. Carry on.

No, I would feel terrified, and I’d run like hell. It still wouldn’t make him a dwarf.

Both biologically, and culturally/socially, growing a beard is a masculine attribute. This guy’s got a beard, so he’s clearly just an overweight man.

But seriously, of all the absurd reasons for objecting to this guy, semantics has got to be the topper. “But that’s not what the word meeEEeans!” So what? It’s a word. Words change. That’s what they’re there for. Get used to it.

It doesn’t matter how much plastic surgery she has she will always be a woman in drag. She is no more a man than Catman is a cat. It’s her business if she wants to spend money on a plastic surgery fantasy. I question the ethics of giving a woman male hormones for psychological reasons (versus medical reasons). I also question the ethics of performing a phalloplasty given the risk to sexual pleasure that cannot be reversed. Hopefully she doesn’t choose this.

I think that people insist that he’s a woman because, even though he self-identifies as a man, he has chosen to engage in one of the most stereotypical “woman” behaviors: getting pregnant.

I very much understand that someone can be born one gender and identify with another gender. However, when they choose happily to engage in behavior that is very intrinsic to their birth gender, how can they argue that they don’t identify with that gender?

For example, let’s say that I announce that I consider myself a man (I’m double x-chromosomed, for the record), yet I still want to have long curly hair, wear makeup, skirts, fitted shirts and dresses, shave my legs, carry a purse, watch sex in the city, coo over babies, obsessively calorie count, do pilates and my nails, and engage in all the numerous other behaviors that we generally associate with women. Basically, I’m going to not change my behavior at all, yet I want everyone to think of me as a man.

Is that a legitimate claim for me to make?


What if I, as someone with XY chromosones, do all those same things, and insist that I’m still a man, and want everyone to think of me as one? Am I, in fact, actually a woman?

I have blue eyes and blond hair. My ethic background is Scottish and English.

Can I be black?

Why, do you want him dead ? That’s one of the more common results of not treating gender dysphoria.

And you don’t know what you are talking about if you don’t thing it’s for medical reasons.

If the “man” has the reproductive organs of a woman (because he is a woman), and then decides to get pregnant then the “man” is no longer a man mentally/psychologically.

Despite your poorly versed insinuation, everything I posted was to her benefit.

She is not being treated with hormones for any physical problem. Put another way, her healthy body is being treated for a medical condition that does not exist. Her health is being risked for the soul purpose of lowering her voice and a scruffy beard. Neither of which are necessary to create the illusion of manhood. It won’t grow a penis or shrink her hips or any other physical trait that warrants the detrimental effects of treating a healthy body with hormones. Her physical attributes can be modified with surgery.

And that’s your professional medical opinion, is it?

How does that address what I’ve said? You have some disagreement then make your case.

Let’s see… how does questioning the medical expertise of someone’s pronouncements of “fact” on a medical question address what they’ve said… Hmm… You know what? I think you’ve got me. Clearly, “random guy on the internet” is an equally informed source of information on matters of health as “mainstream medical establishment.”

What fact would that be exactly?

Incorrect. He suffers from a brain-body mismatch, including a hormonal one.

And I doubt you are concerned with his well being, or you wouldn’t insist on referring to him as a her.

If you honestly self identify as a black man in a white person’s body. Then why not? You’ll get some guff from people calling you a “wigger”, and a “poser”, but it’s your life and race is a social construct anyway.

Unless you believe a few minor anatomical differences and a little melatonin actually means anything?

There’s albino black people. Pal as pal can be but they’re black. What about a white person adopted by Mexicans and grew up in Mexico? Is the dude latino or white?

What about the decedents of dutch immigrants in some south American countries? They’ll have blond hair and blue eyes just like you, but they’re latino.

It’s like they say. Micheal Jackson is proof America is great cause even a poor black man can become a rich white woman.