I like bananas a bunch

Yeah, you could have gotten to where you were going if you’d have taken the red-eye. The pink-eye wouldn’t have been much use.

I’d rather have red eye than loose lips, I hear those things can sink ships.

That’d be a b’yachtch.

So hang on, Sloopy.

Boating sounds like a terrible idea on paper. But it’s a thousand times better on water.

It’s more difficult on water, but you gotta ketch them all!

Yawl might think that was funny but I feel like a dinghy for not getting it right away.

Let’s call the hull thing off.

…oar some of us may get into a row.

You can take a bow for that one!

Obviously we’ve mastered boat puns.

I’d rudder not come up with any moor.

Yeah, this is just turning into a sloopy mess.

Perhaps it’s time for some anchor management.

No need to be so stern.

C’mon folks, they were great. Take a bow!

Sounds like you’re not playing with a full deck.

Shouldn’t say that to a prowed man like Spoons.

But he may be a mere figurehead.

… a figurehead with a nice aft, to boot.