I like bananas a bunch

[With a nod to the movie quotes game: remember the scene in Master and Commander where Russell Crowe’s character tells the ship’s doctor that he must choose the lesser of two weevils?]

Good thing there were no termites on board their ship. Those little buggers are agents of mast destruction.

I am also certain that the captain gave them a stern look.

…and then keeled ‘em dead.

… before sending out a deck pic.

And then take a bow.

Take two. They’re on sail.

The cast of Friends got stuck at sea in a boat, but thankfully nothing happened. Because Lisa Kudrow, and David was a good Schwimmer.

Ah, I sea what you did there!

Scientists have been studying the effect of cannabis on sea birds. They’ve left no tern unstoned.

Terns mate for life. One good tern deserves another.

That pun took a tern for the worse.

My butcher switched to using sea birds in his sausage. It was a tern for the wurst.

I had nightmares about sea birds. They were the gulls of my dreams.

But did they go where the buoys are?

Some of those buoys are quite gullible.

In honor of this thread, I bring you today’s Buckets comic strip:

Good! Good da cheese. Me eat-um.

Well, this conversation got cheesy fast.

It curd get whey cheesier.