I only got to date a Jewish girl once, it was back in the seventies in Dallas Texas. I thought she was just beautiful. Her dad found out that I was a guitar playing, rock and roll gentile and nixed the whole thing after the second date. She told me the night of the second and last date that her folks wanted her to meet a nice jewish guy.
Anyway I thought she had what I call “the look.” I am trying not to be vague here but I am not sure how to describe “the look.” The one and only jewish girl I dated had a look kinda like Claudette Colbert in the old version of Cleopatra…different. Come to think of it she was the only Jewish girl I have ever met! Imagine that!
Of course I love gentile girls ( I am married to one) but don’t you think that Jewish girls are different looking? And it can’t be described easily either… at least not by me.
I realize that not all jewish girls are pretty but they all have varying degrees (at least in my mind) of “the look” which is beautiful in it self.
Any Jewish girls on SD?
psssst…My wife told me she would rather share me than lose me altogether.
hahahaha yeah right!
Thank you and I am so glad you took the time to share this with me today.
Most people (well, those stupid enough to even make a comment such as this) have said, upon finding out that I’m Jewish, “You don’t look Jewish!” So I don’t know, aha, do you think I have “the look”* to which you’re referring? If so, perhaps you could help wrangle me up an acceptable Jewish suitor?
Wally tried with the below addition to my sig line, but I’m concerned that it might not actually work.
*Keep in mind that that picture is almost 4 years old, and my hair is now down to the middle of my back (and not quite that red, either).
“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” - Anne Frank
“Mom, he’s a neo Nazi! He’s a doctor also? Well…” - WallyM7
Oh, and if it helps, I also cook. I’m making a big pot of stuffed green peppers right now to take to my boss as a thank you for the symphony tickets he gave me last weekend. (He loved them last time I made some and brought them into the office for lunch.)
“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” - Anne Frank
“Mom, he’s a neo Nazi! He’s a doctor also? Well…” - WallyM7
Well, Aha, I don’t know about “the look” since I don’t know very many Jewish women to use as a reference. I can tell you abut one of the Jewish ladies I know–Shayna.
Last year I had the privilege of having her as a houseguest. I can honestly tell you that she has a look or way about her but I wouldn’t exactly call it Jewish. She’s just a beautiful person. Only her loveliness isn’t just exterior and I’m not just saying that because she cleaned my house, did some laundry, and cooked dinner while she here. She has all those qualities that make her a good friend (kind, thoughtful, funny, and smart). If those qualities plus being attractive are what you consider “the look” than I guess she does have it.
Work is fine for killin’ time, but it’s a shaky way to make a living.
Just a wag but I am assuming that it tends to stereotype and pigonhole a whole race of people for someone to say “You don’t look Jewish.” However I probably should let Shayna answer that question for sure.
Oh my gosh, I am so embarassed now. I did not mean to make this the Shayna thread, and look how I’ve managed to hijack it. Yikes!
Thank you Rick, pat, inertia, aha and spoke, for the kind compliments. Spoke, if you want to know about conversion, Bricker’s the man to talk to - he knows more about Judaism than even I do!
Boris, the reason that statement comes across as stupid to us Jewish people, is that it makes us feel as though the person expected us to have horns coming out of the top of our head or something. I guess I’ve been hit square in the face with so much anti-Semitism by people who didn’t know I was Jewish, or didn’t think I was because I didn’t look Jewish to them, that it can be a kind of insulting to hear that sometimes.
Now of course if someone comes right out and says that Jewish people have a “look” that they can’t quite put their finger on, but that they find very attractive, like aha did, well then you know it’s not meant with any prejudice and so you don’t take offense to it.
And Grace, words escape me. What a lovely thing to say about me. I’m truly humbled here. You know I think you are the best friend a person could ever hope for and I feel blessed to have you in my life. Now when are you gonna get your butt out here and visit me?! Love ya, sweetie
“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” - Anne Frank
“Mom, he’s a neo Nazi! He’s a doctor also? Well…” - WallyM7
And Michelle, I’ve seen your picture and you are beautiful! But I don’t think we look anything alike, so it really is quite a stumper as to what the Jewish “look” really is. But if it trips aha’s trigger, I won’t object.
“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” - Anne Frank
“Mom, he’s a neo Nazi! He’s a doctor also? Well…” - WallyM7
Shayna, not to turn this into a mutual love-fest here… but thank you for your compliment!
I have a good grounding in Torah, and can discuss Kasruth rules all day. But, not being Jewish, I am hesitant to hold myself out as an authority… I can certainly field introductory questions, but for the expert view, one should find… well… an expert
Not that I took the conversion comment made here all that seriously… but just in case.