I guess it’s fitting that I don’t have anything intelligent to say about this. How do you rank, and what do you think of these?
When I saw the thread, I immediately thought of New Mexico.
Interesting that WV is #18, proving that just because you might not be wealthy, does not mean you can’t get an education.
My commonwealth is #37 unfortunately. sigh
[sup]When we see something like this in Mississippi, we say:[/sup]
**Thank God for [ul][]Louisiana & []New Mexico![/ul] **
Actually, I’d say that doesn’t reflect actual improvement. I’ll guess that Tennessee is falling more slowly than the bottom ten.
Actually, I’ve only passed briefly through New Mexico; is there something I don’t know about it that makes it stand out? Because it’s listed as the dumbest state by quite a large margin.
Hmm… the more I look at this list, the more it seems that an ordered list of “jackelope’s favorite states” would be an almost perfect reversal of this one. That’s a little unsettling.
(No offense, Connecticut!)
WOOO HOOOOOO!!! Alaska - #25!
We cleared the “average” bar!
Holy…living…fuck. The fact that NC is in the top 25 is literally shocking and disturbing to me. I literally feel like I was robbed of an education by growing up in this state. I can’t imagine going through the public school system in one of the 26 worse states. I swear to god I thought we were 48th or 49th.
Cisco, Tennessee’s education system is ranked 49th in the country, and Memphis City Schools are dead-last in Tennessee. I used to teach at the University of Memphis, teaching Memphis City Schools graduates (graduates!) almost exclusively. These people got horribly screwed over by the half-baked education they received; I had students who did not know what quotation marks were.
If you’re on this board, and writing posts in which words are spelled correctly, you’re WAY ahead of the game.
jackelope - Let’s see, I know a few high school graduates around here that can’t read (this still baffles me, I literally have no clue how they graduated), lots of hs graduates that can’t spell simple everyday words, and very, very few who can use proper grammar (written or verbally.)*
-My fourth grade teacher thought I made up the word “ditto” and one of my ninth grade teachers laughed at me because I thought “ought” was a word (it is.)
-Precious few girls have been able to tell me who won the American Civil War when asked, and a few failed to even know who participated (long story as to why I ask so many girls who won the Civil War.)
The list goes on and on. I repeat: I feel sorry for those 26 states below us.
*I fully realize that I will probably have at least one spelling or grammatical error within this post.
be sure to see the agenda:
p.s. - “verbal” means “of, or pertaining to, words” (“verb” derives from same root as “word”). Hence, “written” is “verbal”. I suspect you meant “oral” (of, or pertaining to, the mouth).
From www.m-w.com:
Main Entry: 1ver·bal
Pronunciation: 'v&r-b&l
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle French or Late Latin; Middle French, from Late Latin verbalis, from Latin verbum word
Date: 15th century
3 : spoken rather than written <a verbal contract>
I’m still safe at this point.
New Mexico?? I don’t get it. That’s not part of America.
This was my favorite part: “Neal Quitno (pronounced Quit No).”
#15, baby, oohhhhh yeah. All my New York friends goin on about how PA school suck (yet they’re attending a PA State University…) can put that in their pipe and kiss my butt.
Antares JB
Tennessee 39 number? Me no like. OK y’all.
My state’s number 30? Somebody’s been bought.
WooHoo! I went to grade & high school in #4, and college in #20.
Me much smarter than you.
I am so smart! I am so smart! S-M-R-T! D’oh! (Simpson’s reference)
#8! Yee-hah!
::looks around::
So, where are all the other smart people around here, anyway?
I knew it, they should just put Maryland on the bottom, well before New Mexico any way. I’ve seen some pretty stupid people around here, and I know that I went to school with a bunch of em too.
I have nothing to post with respect to the OP, but I was wondering if by chance you are an Edward Lear fan, and if you are old enough to remember the Saturday morning cartoon “Tomfoolery.”