I love being an adult.

Today for I walked to work with nothing but cake in my lunch bag.

I remember people telling me to enjoy childhood because being an adult is not fun. I disagree.

I had pie for breakfast the other day. I was pretty pleased about that.

Aye, being an adult totally fucking rocks. But a large part of what rocks is being able to be somewhat childish (or child-like, if you prefer) at times.

The worse thing about being a kid was having to go places that I didn’t want to go to, dressed in horrible clothes, with horrible hairstyles, and not being allowed to express any dissent. And always living in fear of being yelled at over some bullshit reason.

Those days sucked.

I far prefer being an adult over being a child. If people harass and attack me the way I was treated as a child*, then I can call the cops and have them arrested for it. No “boys will be boys, stop being a tattletale” nonsense.
*Not by my parents, they were fine

I’m drinking a beer in bed while surfing The Dope. Does that count for anything?

I take it you’re not married, then.

being an adult is lame. being a kid was cool cause you could just sit around watching TV all day (that’s what I still do, but now I’m a bad person because of it)

Not when I was a kid, mon ami. Not when I was a kid. My dad had us working on something every damned weekend.

I’m staying up until 2 watching TV. It has its perks. Maybe I’ll have whiskey for dinner thursday.

Being an adult means that I get to live in the city that I love, instead of the bland small town of my childhood. Every time I bike to work (past the Jefferson Monument) or a bar with friends (past the Capitol) or to an amazing free show, I’m reminded of just how great it is to be an adult.

You can do pretty much all the stuff you could do as a kid, plus you can do it drunk. And you have a better idea of the potential consequences, rather than getting utterly blindsided by them.

Nobody told us there was going to be a quiz.
I no longer have to pedal my car.

Didn’t like being a child to my human parents, adult and getting away was better but a lot of work and worry, like a lot better being a child of angels who provide for me and my fun without all that pesky work.

Being a child is where it is at for me, they can do the adult thing - thank you very much.

What is this “adult” thing you speak of.

I remember emailing my mom that I had had a candy bar for breakfast. I said, “I’m an adult. I can do that.”

Later, I had a moment when I realized that not only had I spent some Christmas money on new socks and underwear, but that I had been excited at the time to do so. “Free socks and shorts! Score!”

I like to call that “the best of both worlds,” i.e. adult and unencumbered.



See this bag of cookies? It’s the kind that I like. And I get to eat every one of them all by myself.

Apparently being an adult gives people the right to consume whatever they like at whatever time they like.

Now there’s freedom for you.

As an adult, I can use the bathroom whenever I want, and not be interrogated as to why I didn’t use it later.