I love burnt popcorn--am I alone?

Another vote for:

  1. Slightly burned kernels are awesome!
  2. Half-popped kernels are awesome!
  3. Sightly burned, half-popped kernels are awesome awesome!
  4. I burn my popcorn for just a smidge on purpose. :smiley:

I think so. I burnt popcorn by accident about a week ago and the stench filled the house! Lasted for DAYS! :frowning:

Singed, fine, but that powdery crap is DISGUSTING!

I don’t like when it’s totally black, crumbling to dust, but that singed, seared state? YUM!

I do agree though, the smell of burnt popcorn can get nauseating, even though it’s delish.

For those who like half-popped kernals may I introduce you to Pop Nots.


Rather than calling it burned, I think we should refer to it as nicely toasted to a gloden brown.

BTW those half popped, yummies are called old maids up here. Although, I have one wierd neighbor that calls them “Majors” (you, know, kernels… majors) :rolleyes:

dyer & EvilAsh Those look great!!! Now if I can get the accountant to let me buy “duds” at $1/oz. :smiley:


I like slightly burned popcorn.

Oh good lord. When I entered my office last Sunday, my poor nose was assaulted with the stench of totally burned popcorn. Apparently, my coworker has no nose. I felt sick all day. The stench was still there on Monday. The fact that she was eating it tells me that either she’s a complete freak of nature or she’s suffering from some deficiency which can only be cured with large quantities of carbon.

A. Who the hell eats popcorn at 8:00am?
B. Who the hell eats petrified popcorn at 8:00am?
C. Who the hell thinks it’s polite to burn the crap out of popcorn at work, when they work in a small, windowless office?

Some people are just too rude for words.

So, no - I don’t eat burned popcorn. I don’t care if anyone else does either - so long as they don’t make it at work.

Yup. I keep the microwave running for around 10-15 seconds after the popping stops. Just want it to be that grey-brown color. Yummy! :smiley:

I can maybe see “a little singed”. But burnt? You know, like little-charcoal-briquettes burnt? Naaaasty. And the smell! That awful, awful smell! It’s kind of amazing how badly burnt popcorn hits the nose.

Hell, I run the microwave through another full cycle, smoke pouring out the back, family screaming to open the windows…mmmm.

And, oh yeah…burnt bacon, so burnt that it shatters like glass when it hits the plate.

Oh…and burnt toast too.

I’ll think of more later. :smiley:

–stands up hesitantly-- I’m Cartooniverse, and I adore half-burned popcorn. Not completely enflamed, but gently darkened. Perhaps a whisp or two is adequate.

Then, there was the time when the doorbell rang just as I was nuking a bag for the first time with a new microwave oven. Oh. That was priceless. Stranger at door, smoke billowing from kitchen, I run, run back, run past stranger, hurl smoking bag out into front yard then turn to face stranger with a pleasant wheezing smile. " So, what can I do for you? ". :smiley:

Mmmmm. Better if it’s half burned with buttery topping on it.


Add me to the half-burned popcorn fan club.

Oh, and I forgot to mention:

The brimstone-esque stench of Lucifer’s foulest farts is a floral bouquet compared to the olfactory assault of burnt popcorn.

EvilAsh? You’re among friends.

Don’t suppress. Tell us how you really feel.


Y’all are strange. Burnt popcorn sucks. People who like burnt popcorn are freaks! :stuck_out_tongue:

Add another vote for slightly burnt popcorn and bacon. And the thin side of an english muffin, just around the edges. And the edges of a bagel. Not charred through to ashy, just slightly burnt. Like Jake said, I’ve wondered if there was some kind of nutritional deficiency or if it’s just a taste thing.

I had to create an account to post a reply, stating you are not alone.

I too enjoy the taste of burned popcorn, which is quite a weird thing to be sure, but nonetheless my lonesome delight.

Although I find the smell rather sickening. Could this be some sort of sadistic feature situated in the taste buds? That, I do not know. But I shall revel at this knowing that I am truly unique, but in good company at that.

Absolutely disgusting, even the smell of it.

However since we’re on the subject, this my popcorn recipe:
Mix rendered butter, coconut oil and flavacol in kettle. Never adding anything afterwards as that will only make the flavor inconsistent but this method, once the desired parts are achieved per oz of kernels, it comes out very consistent and full of buttery flavor with each bite.