I love Charles Manson and he is INNOCENT

OK, wait. I’ll come in again.


This rookie couldn’t be more obvious if he had TROLL!!! tattooed on his forehead while wearing a “I’M A TROLL!!!” T shirt and had a drivers license saying he was Trolly McTrollerson from Trollville, Trolling State, in the United States of Trolls.

Well, he could live under a bridge with an “I heart Hitler/No Billy Goats Allowed” sign. And regenerate 3 hp/round unless destroyed by fire or acid.

You must be thinking of the Opera forum. Try posting this there.

Nah. The racists we do have here aren’t this odious, and our trolls are normally more clever. To be honest I’m a little embarrassed for you.

Jesus, this thing’s still here? Mods must be busy with porn or something.

::Closes other browser tabs and looks around guiltily.::

So are you saying the Labianca’s invented Clamato and unleashed its evilness upon the earth? Well, I guess that explains things.

So, Arty, how do you feel about parking in the fire lane when you’re just going into the store for a minute or two? No biggie?

And it’s cientology. Emphasis on the .

Hey, you can’t make a caesar without Clamato (as far as I know, that is the ONLY use for that weird juice).

Semi-serious question if you’re still around: What do you think of UFO’s, alien abductions, Roswell, etc.

You’d think so, wouldn’t you? But while three or four previous posters got it, most seemed to have flown underneath the OP at near relativistic speeds. They wouldn’t get a clue if they were dropped in a vat of clue musk then left in a field of horny clues at the height of clue mating season. (where is that from exactly? Been rattling around my brain for a while)

I know its been a long time since I read the Roman Histories, but I’m pretty sure Caesar is capitalized and I’m almost half sure his Mom was not named Clamato. (I’m really really pretty sure she wasn’t one of the Jews either!)

You dropped the ball here. I doubt that quote means what you think it means. (As in, I know exactly what Hess was referring to, but I don’t think you do)

(And apropos my last post - I’m playing with him, not feeding him)

The cold truth was he was not without some musical talent. The song itself has a crappy message but the singing was not bad.

Innocent of what?

When I reported the thread, I pointed out that it was fun. While I doubt my report was persuasive, I bet part of it is that they are letting us enjoy him. Nobody seems to actually be upset.

If more trolls could be like this guy, I wouldn’t care so much about them.

You really didn’t lurk that long before posting, did you?

I hope you stay, actually. You make me look less crazy.

We appreciate that you troll because you care. But I think it’s time to say farewell, and I’m closing this thread.