I love you guys

come now…guys mean all of mankind(cept mrserlin)you know that! What a bunch of nitwits!(OOPs,sorry)too many bar-b-que chips. i love you girls,too :wink:

The poster beneath me is not wearing pants!

Orange - Phil --mine’s the 25th

Happy birthday to us!

Ha ha! I fooled you! She just admited that she loves girls! She’s a lesbian! Get her! Errr, wait a minute. I’LL get her!


Oh no I’m Not! Youre adorable byz,but I was born heterosexual,can’t help myself. Though I Have been celibate for 5(count em) years!

Alphagene wrote:

Greedy Smurf. Definitely.

Okay orangecakes, since you said I’m adorable I’ll forget the whole thing. Well, as long as I can be pervert smurf :wink:


There was a smurf who played the bugle. Officially he was called “Melody Smurf”, but I always liked calling him Horny Smurf. :slight_smile:

's a shame there’s only one female smurf to go around, though.

tracer–a lot of them are cross-dressers.

byz,and all,I just got my home computer! I am actually on at night! Now I won’t get enough sleep… :frowning: You alll(most of you) are the reason I got a home pc. I hated missing the straight dopers,going on for an hour at the library. now I can take my time and avoid typoes! :slight_smile:

Its my birthday tonight,and I love you guys(without any pants on :wink: ).

Happy birthday, pantless one.

<staring at her pants-free form>
Now I see why you’re called “orangecakes”…

tracer-what? I’m a blonde! Putting my pants on now,going out for sketti and meatballs.(besides,didn’t ya see the other thread?I’m clean shaven). :wink: and old(41)

We are on an irreversible path to democracy and freedom. But that could change-Dan Quayle

41? Old? Pah. My last girlfriend (2.8 years ago) was 51. Top that!

(Oh, and BTW, cakes, I finally looked at your webpage and saw your picture. You didn’t warn me that you were a babe! Grrrwwrrl!)

aw tracer,ya big lug. You are quite the attractive guy yourself! Just got home,went to DannyBoys italian restuarant. They gave me like a pound of spaghetti! Hope I gained weight. Weird though,everytime I eat a big meal,I feel sleepy! Almost as if I were evolved from some animal or something. Of course,there’s no such thing as evolution… :wink:

Ha! Got underneath you again.

You are so easy.

This space for rent.

We Dopers in Houston celebrated your Birthday for you in style, (there has to be SOME excuse why 5 people drank 22 beers, 10 rum & cokes, 2 margaritas, )

Hope you had a great one, and watch that old stuff, I’m 41 ! And no, I don’t have any pants on.

Ayesha - Lioness

There are two solutions to every problem : the wrong one, and mine
(Thomas A. Edison)

I swear I only had ONE drink! I don’t know WHO was ordering all that stuff. I think it was Sealemon88. Yeah, HE drank all that stuff. Me, beatle and The Lion just sat there, discussing the current crisis in the Middle East while Ayesha and Sealemon88 drank the bar dry. It was sad, really. :wink:


Byz: We’re you smoking crack in the bathroom? Just wondering. :smiley:

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

Wally,yah,just try getting on Top of me!Huh.Lets see ya try! Houston,I wish I could’ve been there!