!! I may be joining another firm !!

There’s another engineering firm in town very similar to mine. These are two gentlemen (call them Chip and Dale) who retired from the USGS about 10 years ago. They do exactly the same kind of work as I do (we even have practically the same client list). Over the past six years I’ve done more and more subconsulting for them; as it is now, they are my biggest client (around half my billings). Four years ago I leased the office next to theirs so that my afternoons are devoted to working with them.

We have joked around over all this time about what’s going to happen when they “really” retire, but not much has actually happened. Chip has gone to a three-day workweek, and Dale is hinting that he might work a 4-day workweek this year. Oh, and Chip turns 79 this year (Dale will turn 71).

My nebulous plan all along has been to be poised to pick up their workstream when and if they decide to retire for good. Like a lot of nebulous plans, it seemed like a dream - something that never really happens but makes you feel happy when you think about it. I have tried hard to be a good ‘fit’ - I do the projects which nobody else wants to do, and I try to keep up with the minor ‘detail’ administrative things (such as addressing, stamping and sending out the Christmas cards).

But yesterday, as Dale was in my office, he mentioned that he had been talking to Chip about me “joining their firm” ! :eek:

I probably have jinxed it by mentioning it, but whooooooo! That would be the awesomest of awesome ! Cross your fingers, everybody!! :cool:

Best of luck!

Good luck: knock em dead!

(No, wait. Considering their ages, this might not be a good thing.) :smiley:

Woohoo! Good luck, keep us updated. :slight_smile:

Good luck!

I hope this goes where you have your eyes set and beyond.

Good, because two firms is just redundent.


Okay, that made me laugh out loud. :wink:

Thanks for the well-wishes, everyone. I’m trying not to be nervous/excited - I think there will be more waiting for things to move. But it’s a good way to start the year, and I’ll be a little more enthusiastic about work.