I might burn in hell for this ...


I completely disagree with you here, Satan. A parent who really cares about his child knows knows that his child HAS to experience pain and disappointment in order to grow as a person. And, I’ll tell you right now, letting go of that instinct to protect them and giving them freedom to take risks – to go swimming at a friend’s house, to ride a bike, to date, to drive a car, to go away to college – is one of the hardest parts about being a parent.

But an essential part of learning to walk is the freedom to fall down.

The death of your grandmother, the humility of having your heart broken – these are essential to your character. You would not be the person you are today without the triumphs AND pitfalls you’ve experienced.

BTW, tornadoes also provide us an impetus to discuss our various philosophies of life. Perfect days rarely give us that.

A parent is not omnipotent.

Yer pal,

Three months, one week, five days, 12 hours, 51 minutes and 21 seconds.
4141 cigarettes not smoked, saving $517.68.
Life saved: 2 weeks, 9 hours, 5 minutes.

MysterEcks :slight_smile:


See what happens when you argue with me?

Please, don’t flatter yourself … yet again.

I do, however, find myself slightly annoyed, in particular with the assumption that, in the more recent posts, it seems accepted that atheisim Has to be / or is percieved as, a belief system.

Why is this so ? A misunderstanding of the concept ? perhaps.

I, as a devout atheist :slight_smile: , certainly don’t pray to an atheistic altar; or an scientific icon.

And when it comes to taking long walks off high cliffs,
volunteers please :wink:

MysterEcks :slight_smile:


See what happens when you argue with me?

Please, don’t flatter yourself … yet again.

I do, however, find myself slightly annoyed, in particular with the assumption that, in the more recent posts, it seems accepted that atheisim Has to be / or is percieved as, a belief system.

Why is this so ? A misunderstanding of the concept ? perhaps.

I, as a devout atheist :slight_smile: , certainly don’t pray to an atheistic altar; or an scientific icon.

And when it comes to taking long walks off high cliffs,
any agnostic wimp volunteers welcome :slight_smile:

fredicus said:

I have no further questions for this witness, your honor.

No shit? How surprising. You mean pain is more powerful when you actually feel it? How surprising.

It seems that your comment was along the lines of “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.” But pain doesn’t build, it only detroys. Sure, it builds callouses. But are they any better for having those callouses?


So, does this mean you get credit for a mild winter and a good growing season too?

Isn’t athiesm a belief in nothing?

for Feynn :

Isn’t athiesm a belief in nothing?

Duh ?

I can’t help but suspect that your suspicion lacks forethought !

Do you consider a rejection of organised religion a rejection of social beliefs, standards, etc…

How many DEVOUT ATHIESTS ( for MrM ) do you hear about putting bombs on airliners, and/or suiciding in public ?

It seems I am unable ( for whatever reason ) to edit the above post…

I apologise to MrE, for referring to him as MrM, no offense was intended …

I also question his adding emphesis !!


fredicus said:

Marxist terrorists would qualify, in theory–good Marxists are supposed to be atheists–but I haven’t actually kept track. How many agnostics do you hear of doing the same things?

If I was gonna shoot everyone who got my name wrong around here, I’d have to reload at least a couple of times. (Though why you’d worry about being unintentionally offensive after you’ve been pretty intentionallyoffensive kind of escapes me.)

I promise to never add emphesis to your words. Adding *emphasis,*with notation that it’s my addition, is another matter.

Fredicus (for some reason I want to call you Fred)-

“Atheism is a ferocious system, that leaves nothing above us to excite awe, nor around us to awaken tenderness.” R. Hall.

Atheists and Agnostics are pretty close in their beliefs except that Atheists take that extra step to deny the existance of any god-like or superior being. There are days when I lean pretty hard towards Athiesm, I am thankful to possess enough balance to not fall over. Life is so much more interesting when there are things like this to ponder.

Unlike MrE, I’m not name sensative :wink: fred’s fine.

As for atheism being a step further than agnostics are prepared to take … well, I’m not it for the " awe " factor, and I object to be considered as being required to have my tenderness " awakened ".

I don’t see atheism as going out of one’s way to deny the existance of any god-like or superior being.
For me it’s simply reality.

I’m unfortunate enough to live in a time in which ancient superstitions still hold sway. ( For MrE, he likes such definative quotes, bless him )

If you need something to ponder …

Who invented the dish … Stuffed Pigs Ears …

fredicus said:

Look, doofus, I don’t mind feeding trolls such as yourself as long as I get some entertainment out of it, but you are getting boring as hell. I realize you’re a twit, but at least be an interesting twit.

MysterEcks, I really wouldn’t waste your time with him. Flame him if you like, but don’t try to reason with him.

FreakFreely said:

Oh, I’m not really trying to reason with him, FF–I realize that’s not possible. I just enjoy slapping him in the head occasionally to listen to the rattling.

Well, don’t slap him too hard. His brain might fall out of his ear.

Freak: The “R” key on your keyboard doesn’t seem to be working there. It worked right up until the last word though…

Yer pal,

Three months, two weeks, five days, 14 hours, 29 minutes and 44 seconds.
4424 cigarettes not smoked, saving $553.02.
Life saved: 2 weeks, 1 day, 8 hours, 40 minutes.

Visit The Fabulous Forums of Fathom

FreakFreely said:

Who’d notice?