Theology Logic Check!

OK, let’s say I’m Christian (a serious backslider, but that is not important now).

You get to play the part of an Atheist. Are you with me so far?

Now if we have an Old School God of judgment and damnation, you are so screwed, but not the way you would think.

  1. Now if we have an old school God, I can kill you any since you are an atheist, it’s OK. Got it?

  2. If we have instead a loving and benevolent God, then I’m not supposed to kill you, but if I do, I have a decent shot at forgiveness.

  3. If YOU are right and I am wrong, then we BOTH win, as there is no after life and I escape any form of divine punishment when I die, but you get the last laugh, sort of, I guess.

Are their any flaws in this reasoning? I need to know soon, before I impliment my plan.
Did I say that?
I meant before I go out to breakfast. :slight_smile:

I have no idea what you are talking about.

I think your first predicated is flawed. You have not provided support for your assertion that even an old school God approves of murdering atheists just because they are atheists. Cranky old Yahweh often advocated killing those who worshipped false gods, but I don’t think he said anything about atheism, per se. It was all about My-God’s-better-than-your-God battles back then. I don’t think it even occurred to very many people that someone might say there were no gods at all.

Even so, it is also not correct to assert that both you and your victim would both “win” in a nihilistic paradigm. Getting murdered doesn’t seem like winning to me, regardless of any expectation of heaven. We can also throw in the emotional damage you would cause on Earth, both to the loved ones of your victim and to yourself. You may not go to Hell, but 50 or 60 years in prison is not much of a prize either.

No, nun at all.

Wow…this is like Pascal’s wager, if Pascal were psychotic, I mean…

Actually, it’s like some weird combination of Pascal’s Wager and The Prisoner’s Dilemma.

Now if you could throw in Occam’s Razor, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle and Emmet Otter’s Jug Band Christmas, then you’d have something.

That is soooo sig line worthy.

Does God know about the existence of atheists?

Yes, but should they be in the same room together, they both pointedly look elsewhere and never say anything in greeting to one another.

It’s very uncomfortable.

I’ve always been told God has heard about atheists, but he doesn’t believe in us.

No, just the opposite. You see, an atheist should be allowed to kill a Christian any time, without penalty. He’s only doing him a favor! “To live in Christ, to die is gain.” He’s sending the Christian right to heaven.

But it should be against the law (punishable by imprisonment, not death!) for anyone to kill an atheist, since this robs the atheist of the only thing he can ever have of any value: his life.

Also: the Christian, by murdering an atheist, is sending the atheist to hell ahead of time, which is just plain rude.

Also: the Atheist, by murdering the Christian, is getting one more door-to-door proselytizer off the street…

(And if you think I believe any of this…)


So…God created atheists for target practice?

Know about them? Heck he IS one. I mean surely HE wouldn’t believe in a superior creative force than himself, would he?

—But it should be against the law (punishable by imprisonment, not death!) for anyone to kill an atheist, since this robs the atheist of the only thing he can ever have of any value: his life.—

Hey Trinopus! Here is your ass: (*)

It is very fat.


—Heck he IS one. I mean surely HE wouldn’t believe in a superior creative force than himself, would he?—

Boy, that’s really arrogant, not believing in a higher power.

Well, aside from totally misrepresenting the doctrine of grace, the theology of Christianity as understood by Orthodox, Coptic, Catholic, Reformed, Evangelical, Anglican, and Pentecostal churches, the fundamentals of Christian ethics as taught by any of the above churches, Pascal’s Wager, and elementary logic, no, I can’t say there’s anything wrong with your reasoning. :slight_smile:

So we are are in general agreement that the “Thou Shalt Not Kill” rule is still in effect.



:eek: :smack: Of course!! He’d pretty much have to be wouldn’t he! That’s actually quite profound.

I wish I could take credit, but, like many profound thoughts, I got it from a bumpersticker.

“God is an Athiest”.

Makes sense to me…

I think He believes in Himself.

Most meglomaniacs do.