In what would be one of the most ridiculous concussions (if it really is one,) I shook my head too hard and suddenly yesterday and then got nausea, a headache, a whatnot. The headache lasted for around 10 hours. IF it’s a concussion (I haven’t seen a doctor,) it’s pretty mild but ridiculous. No amnesia, no vomiting, etc. Time I broke that bad habit of swiveling my head around super quickly to look at something or answer something.
Well done.
Are you sure it isn’t the rabies finally coming in?
It’s Lupus.
It might be a tumor.
It’s not a too-mah!
That’s a pretty forceful head shake. You should get looked at, by a doctor.
Yep, it can and has happened. The brain injury part actually comes from your brain striking the inside of your skull, which has a rather rough surface in many places. Similar types of injury are seen in whiplash patients as well as things like shaken baby syndrome. It’s actually nothing to joke about.
I think I did the same thing the last time I saw Trump speaking.
From my understanding, whatnot’s require immediate medical intervention.
I had the same experience after a Modest Mouse concert 5 or so years ago. A dull headache for the entire next day that felt somewhat different from other headaches I’d experiences, feeling a bit like something was detached in my brain. I got better.
Oh, and Username/OP combo!
Metallica, damn near killed me in the early 80’s. The old headbanger’s whiplash.
It could be something as simple as a Tension headache. Soaking in an Epsom salts bath (1 kg) helps. Aspirin (1000 mg) usually relieves the acute symptoms.