I need a record player needle! But where to find one?

My mom has a record player and a metric buttload of records. But we can’t do anything about it, because our needle on the record player broke. Mom removed it from the player, so of course, like good record player needles do, it grew legs and ran away, never to be seen again. Now, the question is, where can we get a new needle? It’s a Mitsubishi record player with the number ML33 20 on it or something like that, and it has an automatic turntable. I’ve tried looking online but haven’t found anything (besides, I stink at navagating the web). Anyone’s help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!

Believe it or not Radio Shack is pretty amazing in terms of carrying old replacement parts like vacuum tubes and weird sized batteries. Try them. It’s probably a mail order item, but I bet they’ll have it.

stuyguy’s dead on the money. That’s the first place I’d go.

Here’s a site that might help you out. If you’re in the NYC area, Canal Street is the best place for great deals on record player needles. Pretty much any TheWiz should have one too i would think.

Try these people: http://www.canadianastatic.com/ceramic_stylus/ceramic.htm

They seem to have a good selection, and may be able to crossreference the model number for you. It helps if you use “stylus” rather than “needle” for your search; otherwise it’s like searching for a nee…ah well, you know what I mean.

I have a company you can order from over the phone with a credit card and they mail it right out. I have their card at home so if you can’t find one anywhere else email me and i’ll get it for you. Or i will try to remember and post it here tommorrow (i’m at work), but the chances i’ll remember are slim. Ok, very slim so you will have to bug me with emails if you really want it.

While looking for hideously ugly shirts at Salvation Army a week ago, I saw that they had quite a few record players maybe one has a needle that you could use. If it’s cheap, you could buy the whole thing.

I’d really suggest radio shack though.

?? Welfy ??

As in “Erin the Willow Welf” from back when?

AHUNTER! Hello!! How nice to see you! big hug

Yep, this is the poster formerly known as WillowElf7 on the old AOL mb. How are you??

I’m still on AOL, but due to TOS problems I had to delete the screen name and get a new one. I’m still around.

Glad to see you!