I need to pick a play or plays for children’s theatre pretty quickly, my age groups are 8-12 and 13-18…I have the option of combining the groups into one production but I would really like to keep them seperate.
The theme I need to include is american history, If I keep with the two seperate productions the plays will need to be about an hour each…Two hours if they are combined. Please offer me anything you can even if it is a good children’s play that does not fit the theme…Theme can be changed as a last resort. Lots of thanks in advance 
I can’t tell: do you want plays that will be performed for children, or performed by children?
Moving thread from IMHO to Cafe Society.
Sorry for not being more specific, I need plays to be performed by the children. Thanks for the link, It is quite helpful.
Go to your friendly neighborhood public library; they will have a collection of such things in the 800’s, in the children’s room. Ask the children’s librarian for some help.
If you could only intersperse a short scene or two from Stan Freberg Presents The United States of America, it’d be wonderful. But I guess you’d have to cut the songs and I have no idea how you’d get the rights.
I’ve always thought that would make a fantastic musical, but I don’t think the kids would get many of the jokes.
In a more helpful vein, you might look at some old classic comedies- Arsenic and Old Lace, You Can’t Take It With You, something like that.