I need to get some job related stuff off maybe chest / maybe get some advice

So, up until about a year ago I worked odd jobs pretty much. I worked in restaurants, delivered pizza for 4 years, and worked at a computer shop.

Last May, however, I landed a job with a Mortgage Insurance company contracting at a bank. I was literally (and exactly) getting twice as much per hour as my job fixing computers, so I knew I had to hold on tightly.

I worked my ass off and learned everything I could about mortgages as fast as possible. I guess my efforts paid off because 5 months later (the MINIMUM wait period for promotions/transfers is supposed to be 6 months) I got offered a full-time job at the bank as an Account Manager. Score.

Now I loved my job even more, felt important and needed, and loved going to work every day (not to mention the money :cool: )

Fast forward about 4 months and I get offered a job as a loan officer (with the same bank, mind you.)

“There’s no possible way you’ll make less than 75k this year, even starting halfway through March,” they told me.

“You’ll get your own laptop, your own office, and your own assistant,” they told me.

“Work your own hours, work from home,” they told me.

Well, after lots and lots of this cajoling I finally started to think this sounded like a pretty good deal and I was getting really excited about it.

So I get permission from the VP of Operations to break the six month rule AGAIN, and I start my new job March 15th of this year.

First red flag: The salary wasn’t what I was told it was going to be. It was a small discrepancy, and my other job was already filled, so I signed the contract. I guess I was too nervous about getting this “dream-job” to make waves.

Then it went downhill.

I spent my first two days in an empty office with no computer and no phone. Two of the most dreadfully boring days of my life. On the third day I managed to see the email that my boss’s assistant sent to the IT department for my laptop. “Could you get Cisco a recycled laptop out of the old bin?” it read. I thought that was pretty strange, considering everyone else got brand new laptops, but again, I just started and I didn’t want to make waves.

So the rest of the week passes VERY uneventfully and the next Monday we start in a new building. Everyone has an office. All the loan officers, including the ones new to the company, and even two of the assistants got offices. There were also 4 empty offices.

I got a cubicle.

I went into my boss’s office to state my case that I shouldn’t be in a cubicle when EVERYBODY else, including new people and assistants had an office, and he basically told me that I couldn’t have one because I hadn’t “earned” one yet. How did the other new people “earn” theirs? :confused:

The list of these things goes on and on and on. I got business cards…with the wrong phone numbers on them. I still haven’t gotten a fax number (faxes are still essential in the mortgage business.) My “assistant” has never helped me with a single thing and acts rude and snotty when I ask her questions. I never recieved any supplies (staples, folders, post-its…etc.) I was never put on the email lists that are essential to the inner-workings of the department. I still get yelled at for not doing this or that and then when I tell them I didn’t do it because I didn’t get the email because I’m not on the list, they just walk off instead of putting me on the list or telling me how I can get put on the list.

They told me before I got the job that I could work from home. After I started they informed me that they would not give me VPN access to the company network because it is “too expensive” :confused:

They told me I could work my own hours. Last week I had a doctors appointment and when it was 15 minutes past the time when I usually come in my “boss” called and asked where I was at. Any time I’ve left early I’ve been “spoken-to” about it the next day.

Whenever I need help with something, my boss (I keep referring to him as my boss but he is actually my “mentor”, meaning he gets paid extra for the work I do but has no real authority over me. I’m consider self-employed and therefore have no true “boss”) finds a way to skip out on it somehow, even several times saying he’ll help me after having a cigarette and then dissapearing until I figure out how to solve the problem on my own.

Did I mention that I’m 9 years younger than the next youngest person in the department? I hate to sound like I’m making excuses for myself but I have a strong feeling that this is why I’ve not been taken seriously at this job and several people that I’ve explained my situation to have suggested this as a possible reason without me ever mentioning it.

So anyway, I’m not going to work tomorrow, and I plan on going in ridiculously early Monday morning when no one else is there and sending a resignation email to the head of the department. Since I’ve never quit this kind of job before and I don’t want to talk to anyone there about it, I don’t really know what’s going to happen to my borrowers who have files in process. I also don’t know if there are any possible legal ramifications of abandoning my borrowers like this. Like maybe if someone messed up or just wanted to somehow royally screw me on something, my signature is still on a few files there.

I’m wondering if I should make my resignation letter effective 2 weeks from Monday but just not come back to work during those two weeks. That’s what some higher-ups did when they quit a few months ago, but I don’t know if it will fly with me.

I’m also worried about what I’m going to do about money and a job, since this no-paying crap job has almost completely depleted my reserves.

I’m wondering if 11 months experience on a resume is going to be worthless, since it’s not a year (and most mortgage companies want 2+ years anyway.)

So, in summation, I’m feeling kind of like this—> :frowning: :mad: :frowning:

Bait and switch.

I don’t have any advice to offer but I wanted to express my sympathy. That sucks.

The best time to look for a job is when you have one.

Since you plan on leaving spend all your time searching for the next one.

That sound’s like a real crappy situation. Anyone would be frustrated with the kinds of things you’ve gone through. While you seem hard-working and ambitious, some of the actions you are considering are not wise. (IMHO, naturally)

In a perfect world, what resolution would you want? At this point would you wish to stay in the position, with the necessary corrections in the working conditions? Is it too late for that, but you would like to work in the finance field? If so, you will want to leave on good terms with your employers, although that may seem difficult to impossible right now.

Is there anyone at the company you could talk about the situation with, someone who knows you? Or someone else that you can bounce ideas off?

A couple concrete suggestions: Do not resign via email. A resignation letter still should be written as a hard copy. If you resign and give two weeks notice, do not give into the temptation to stay home. It doesn’t matter if higher-ups in the company have done this without repercussions - you won’t be able to. I’m not suggesting that that would be fair but I think it’s a reasonable expectation in your case.

Good luck with this horribly stressful situation.

I was going to be more polite but…What the hell are you thinking Cisco? This is nuts! You are making a huge mistake!

I am in the real estate industry, and with the hot housing market and low rates aggressive mortgage loan offiers are in HUGE demand! Do not quit! It’s much easier to get a job elsewhere when you have a job (even if the work condtions are crappy).

You can make over 75K this year. Somewhere else. Make your move after you have secured a job elsewhere. Even with only 11 months under your belt there has to be a good mortgage company will take an eager young broker, esp in the current high volume environment.

From what you describe, I’m betting the moment you turn in your two-week notice, they will pay you off and you will be shown the door by Noon, providing you are not fired first thing Monday morning.

You’ve been set up to fail. Are you going to fulfill their wish?

Suck it up. Go to work tomorrow. Grow up. Prove them wrong.

That’s what I’m hoping for.

See, #1, I can’t afford to work this job anymore. My first loan signed today but will not fund until Monday, which is in the month of May, meaning I won’t get paid for it until June 25th. Even if I close a hundred loans between now and then I’ll still starve, lose my car, and get evicted before I ever get paid for them.

#2, This job is killing my health. I hate it so much that I’m stressed out to the point of being physically sick. Since I’ve started I’ve had my first cold sore, my second case of the shingles, and some (ahem - TMI) very irritable bowels. Not to mention a cold that lingered for almost three weeks.

I talked to our HR lady not long after I started to try and curb the problem up front. She is absolutely the coolest fucking HR person in the world (and I would say that to her face, complete with the F word) and I completely agreed with her non-solution: She could do something about it, but then I would just be the whiney new guy from another department that just runs to HR whenever something doesn’t go my way. She completely sided with me but she was right in saying that this is how they would see it.

astro: I appreciate the encouragement but I just don’t want to work in retail mortgage anymore. When I fixed computers I sold more computers in my spare moments in our showroom than both of our salesmen put together. It was because I loved computers and I’m great with people. This job has completely drained me of my love for retail mortgage. I want to go back to wholesale.

Considering your heath, my apologies for the harshness of my last post.

However, don’t give them the opportunity to fire you. Getting fired may haunt your job prospects in the short run, especially when all indications are they are deliberately screwing you over. They might be stupid enough to give you a biased bad rating during a reference check and that next job offer won’t come as soon as you expect.

Do what you can to keep your nose clean and quit sweating the details. Then turn in your notice. If they pay you out then and there, and show you the door, smile, say thank you and don’t give them any satisfaction by being an idiot and fulfilling their fantasties.

Good luck. Keep us informed.