I object to the Mozart 1220 banning

First I want to say I have no patience for 9/11 conspiracy theories.

That being said, I’m a little troubled by someone being banned for espousing those dumbass notions. I’m not sure I understand the reasons why he was banned. If it’s for ducking questions I can think of at least 4 members off the top of my head who do the same thing, even worse than Mozart. If it’s for being insulting in the thread, I can sort of see that, but again, I don’t see his paranoid wounded tone as being worse than a lot of other people.

If it’s board policy that 9/11 conspiracy theories aren’t going to be tolerated, ok, though that should be in the rules. Right now it seems like someone was banned for holding unpopular-- albeit deservedly so–ideas.

Mozart seemed OK in other threads, so it’s not like he was going around trolling the board. I can think of several long term posters who behave a lot worse than he does, but who rarely get warned, let alone presumptively banned without a suspension.

relevant thread

He wasn’t banned for Trutherism, although I admit I don’t have much patience for watching their arguing tactics over and over. He was banned for ignoring moderator instructions: he kept insulting people and kept ignoring questions after being told (in posts and by PM) that he needed to answer them instead of wasting people’s time. In the future I don’t plan to let conspiracy theorists string people along for pages on end by dodging questions and ignoring factual rebuttals.

tomndebb and said this to Mozart1220 with the mod hats on:

After that post I sent him a message saying he needed to answer those questions. He made two more posts in the thread: one where he said he was giving up on the argument, and then another 15 minutes later where he was insulting people again.

To summarize, then:

*Rooster Cogburn: Mr. Rat, I have a writ here says you’re to stop eating Chin Lee’s cornmeal forthwith. Now it’s a rat writ, writ for a rat, and this is lawful service of the same. See, doesn’t pay any attention to me.
[shoots the rat]
Chen Lee: [Runs into the room] Outside is place for shooting!
Rooster Cogburn: I’m servin’ some papers! *


I am way too drunk to comment coherently on the replies, but they seem to make sense to me.