I pit crying babies in public places

Ah yes, the cannibalism. Say, if eating humans is long pig, is eating babies short pig?

To be fair, this is the only kid I’ve ever screamed at so I don’t think I have a temper problem. Everybody gets one :stuck_out_tongue:

You even admitted there was probably no harm, but instead of treating this like a one-time issue for me you act like I do this for a living. If it was just that I act like it was fine and dandy, then I would have expected someone to simply say not to make a habit of it.

No, there was no harm to the kid. We all agree on that. Where we disagree is in whether_despite the lack of harm_what you did was okay. We also disagree, apparently, on whether or not you were a lucky jerk-off that day. I’d say, clearly, you were. By pure luck of the draw, you chose to scream at a kid whose parents were too feckless to give you the stomping your actions warranted. Next time? Who knows? If I were you, I wouldn’t try it again no matter how much your jerk-off friends pump you up over it. If they’re like most jerk-offs, they’ll laugh just as hard at you getting beat down as they would have at another set of baffled parents.

Believe me I don’t plan on doing it again. It’s not my usual behavior, no matter how much people want to attribute it to me. Off the internet, I’m less assholish, like most people. I think people are really just mad because I was proud of it :dubious:

Just because it doesn’t apply to you doesn’t mean it’s not natural. You don’t need to feel oppressed by the completely uncontroversial statement that it’s natural. It’s also natural for some people not to procreate. Throughout history the majority of men have not procreated, though the majority of women have.

No one is expecting you to ‘modify’ anything. We’re expecting you to abide by the stable rule-set that has developed within civilization over the course of thousands of years.

The way you say it you make it sound like parenthood is a recent development.

LOL, well I think the point of it all is that we have higher standards for your behavior than we do for a child’s. In both cases screaming in the restaurant is not appropriate. It’s just MORE inappropriate for an adult than it is for a child.

I have no doubt you’re an ok dude in person. Most people are.

And yes, I said as much. I wouldn’t have had nearly the reaction if you had expressed even the tiniest bit of remorse.

It’s because you can’t get enough of me.

I mentioned nothing about cannibalism. All I said was my baby would get his food first, then me mine, then someone else would get whatever was left over and I’d even consider stealing that if my baby needed it. Fuji (I think it was) flipped out and made himself look stupid by misreading what I wrote (something he did several times) and then bringing up the “survival cannibalism” deal that no one ever mentioned. After that, everyone ran with the cannibalism thing like it was the Olympic Torch.

I think it’s pretty obvious in this thread alone that it doesn’t apply to a whole lot of people other than me.

I am not oppressed, but neither was that a completely uncontroversial statement. I put in a small aside - you are taking it to a whole other level. Which one of us is more secure in what is “natural” and what isn’t?

Until rather recently, women didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. Even now, many women don’t have a choice.

The people being discussed in this thread are not bothering to abide by any rule sets other than their own, which is apparently “I can do whatever I want, particularly when it involves my kid”. And the rest of the world is supposed to put up with that or not go to a restaurant/movies/local park. Simply because you don’t think there is anything wrong with a kid screaming unchecked in public doesn’t mean that those around you share that opinion, yet we are expected to put up with it. Sounds like you expect quite a bit of modification.

The way I say what? That parenthood isn’t a natural state for everyone?

:dubious: I can just imagine dropzone’s expession of proud delight if his 15-year-old daughter were to announce that she’d attained the genetic norm for her age group and wasn’t going to be a “weirdo” like all those non-pregnant girls in her class.

I’m all for cutting parents plenty of slack (although, I admit, not to the point of uncomplainingly enduring ten minutes of parental apathy while their baby screams loudly in a restaurant). But I cut them slack because they’re doing a tough and valuable job, not because they hold ridiculous evolutionary-elitist notions about belonging to some privileged “genetic norm” and looking down on the “weirdos”.

Moreover, I don’t see why you would imagine that people over 40 suddenly don’t have parenthood as their “natural state” any more. Presumably, if they were parents before they hit 40, they’re still parents. Do you set the cutoff age at 40 because, according to the “genetic norm” during most of human history, most people would be dead by then? (Another reason not to take the “genetic norm” as our guide for today’s circumstances, I’d say.) Or were you attempting to say that being parents of young children is the “natural state” of people 15–40?

There was a spelling error in the thread title. It was supposed to have read “I spit crying babies in public places,” this being the BBQ pit and all.

Please don’t confuse holding you in contempt with being mad.

Given the way the thread has turned it, I probably should have titled it “I spit ON crying babies in public places”.

I can’t be bothered to pay attention to this anymore unless we’re talking about dead rapists shitting on things. So can someone tell me what this thread is doing now? Is it still an unofficial pitting of Yogie, or are we talking about something else? In either case, I think I should point out now that I would like to give Yogie $10 for screaming at a small child, because that is hilarious.

Personally, I’m curious as to exactly what kind of screaming **YogSosoth **did at the baby. Was it a mock-baby scream? “Waaaaaaah! Waaaaaah!” Or was it a full-on adult scream? “AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEE!” Or more of a manly yell? “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHRGH!” And how loud was it?

Why should we cut parents slack? They’re the majority doing the normal, natural thing, after all. Maybe we should treat childraising as the everyday, mundane thing it is.

We’re waiting for a dead rapist to start shitting.

Now that you mention it, this would be interesting to find out. A big hearty “Waaah” would be hilarious! The others not so much.

If a dead rapist shits in the woods, does that make him Catholic?