I pit.... DrFidelius!


Normal people say keep eating your vegetables so that you don’t get to hungry. Some vegetables have virtually no calories.

I agree that I would lose weight but I think cutting your vegetable intake in half is a bad idea.

:smack: :smack: :confused: :rolleyes:

He never said what to do once the three weeks are up. If I went back to the original diet I’d gain back the 12 pounds. Maybe he should have said to do that forever or keep on halving my intake?

Get a blog

god, you’re fucking tiresome.

see my signature…


But I am on a diet specifically for fat loss (not just weight loss) and it has been successful.

But I am frustrated with him! If you aren’t then why are you in this thread?

I guess you think his advice of halving all vegetable intake is good advice? I wonder why no one will agree with me? Could it be that in fact he has great advice and I’m deluded? :confused:

In the pit, it’s allowable to tell you you’re fucking tiresome.

Ok I see.

And you are fucking tiresome.

But am I wrong… ? DrFidelius complained about me nit-picking but that’s isn’t proof of being wrong.

They why insist on bothering us with these interminable threads? Trolling much?

I wanted to know if coffee/caffeine REALLY did affect belly fat because I found conflicting information, etc. I am on a diet but I will change the details if I find better information. As far as DrFidelius goes I’ve hardly had any discussion with him but the threads keep on being closed for various reasons. (e.g. that it “wasn’t really a debate thread”).
Also I think it is reasonable to argue about vegetables even if I find that my diet is working.

Got an obesity problem? If so probably should sleep well, eat right, and do some squats.

The only way to truely get rid of that belly fat is lipo suction, I believe. If you can’t do that, then you’re get over it and move on.

I find him fascinating.

…who is he, again?

You’re on a successful diet; clearly it ain’t broke so don’t fix it.

FTR: I’ve dieted. Lost 100 pounds in about three years and gained ten back. Currently not on any diet and my weight is hovering around an average number.

Okay, fine, whatever. Don’t cut back on the celery and carrots, but cut the overall calories by a significant amount, and try to keep it all in balance.

Do some mild exercise. Go for a two-mile walk, a couple times a week. Work up from there.

You’re an obsessional jerk, do you know that? Listen: eat less, exercise more.

That’s all you need to do.

Now STFU and go and be healthy.

Even posting while standing will help.

So you’re disagreeing with DrFidelius’s advice then? :slight_smile:

I already am doing various types of exercise including walking and I’ve tried jogging and sprinting.

Yeah I keep on wanting to reply even though I’m at work.

I made this thread is about DrFidelius and vegetables though!

You said to " eat less, exercise more" - nothing about eating healthy foods… though I am currently on a very healthy diet.

If you’re currently on an effective diet, then just shut the fuck up about it. It’s working? Then don’t fucking change anything.