I’m tired of hearing about things like this:
Texas teen killed by his grandfather’s dumbass gun safety failure
and seeing no charges filed.
Synopsis: On a hunting trip, walking through woods, grandfather snagged his AK-47 trigger on a branch, discharging the ‘assault rifle’ into his 14-year-old grandson’s back.
Police say it’s an accident and are not filing charges.
It’s an accident, all right, but it’s not an act of God – someone is responsible for truly dumbass gun safety here. I say, if I can be chraged for driving unsafely and killing a teen, why not charge hunters for killing someone with their gun if the accident flowed demonstrably from unsafe practice?
And I want to see the “we’re all about safety, don’t worry” NRA file a friend-of-the-prosecutiuon brief asking for this guy’s gun permit and hunting license to be physically stripped from him in some ceremony that includes being slapped smartly across the face by some French officer. And jail time. If you actually preach gun safety and actually tell us you need guns to protect yourselves and you hate criminals, then let’s criminalize bad gun safety and let’s get the NRA to spend cold hard cash protecting us from THESE criminals.
I’m no gun fetishist; indeed, I don’t know too much technical stuff about shooting. But I’m not an unreasonably gun-fearing person either – we have guns in the house, I’ve been shooting, I was once asked to join a competitive college pistol team after they saw me shoot. Still, I’m not knowledgeable enough to know if the AK-47 in the Texas accident counts as a true “assault rifle.”
But I do know a little about safety. And I’m tired of being told, in-person and in media reports and online, that everyone is so motherfucking safe with their weapons. Familiarity breeds comtempt – it’s simple logic that a certain number of people who carry guns all the time eventually take their eyes off the prize or get lazy. Don’t tell me that people who really like weapons and are expert in handling them take them too seriously to ever fuck up – save it for these guys.
And in the Texas case in question, even I, no NRA instructor myself, can cite a number of absolutely clear violations of simple gun safety.
You DO NOT EVER keep a loaded gun pointed at someone. It doesn’t matter much if it discharges into the ground – why in God’s name are you pointing it at your grandson? Or even swinging it around?
Travel with the safety on, numbnuts.
Why is the gun even loaded? You’re not going to shoot when there’s someone in your field of fire, are you? You’re not going to shoot while moving through the woods, without clearing your field of fire, without knowing the location of every other hunter present, are you? Then pull the freakin’ magazine out (and clear the chamber) – it’ll only take seconds to load up. Any shot at prey you’ll miss in the first few surprised seconds of a sighting while staggering through the brush is one you haven’t thought about long enough to take safely anyway, right, bucko? It’s not like you’re going to be ambushed by Vietcong and need to be ready in a split-second.
Why isn’t your trigger protected? Travel through underbrushwith something covering the trigger guard to prevent, oh, THIS KIND OF THING.
Surely the NRA’s long reach extends down into Texas. Surely there’s more to NRA gun safety than I know – probably there were even more violations of commonsense gun safety in this case than my modest list. Why can’t the NRA reach down into Texas with Hestonian wrath and smite these who have disregarded the gun safety laws of Moses himself?
But Mosaic wrath is peanuts compared to what actually happened, I guess. For their careless worship of a golden gun, the angel of Death hath visited their firstborn.