This is my first Pit, so I hope I am doing this right.

A FB friend of mine posted this today and it sent me on an uncharacteristic tirade

I was incensed at the stupidity spewing from this letter. I am offended he would hide behind his supposed Blibical principles when NOTHING in the Bible supports his moronic stance. Plus his utter ignorance about how the morning after pill works also set me off.

Here is what I posted on my friend’s FB page.

This is one of the rare times a FB post has made me this angry. The only other time in recent memory was when a FB friend (who I promptly defriended after several stupid political posts) posted her belief that proceeds from Girl Scout Cookies directly funded abortion services at Planned Parenthood. Where do these idiots get this crap?

Oh dear (sigh). See, the only other craft store nearby is Joann, and they’re so crowded and dark and the staff is so grumpy and elusive that I just can’t shop there. So this isn’t going to be as easy to boycott as Chick-Fil-A was.

Just to make you feel better:

Basically, tell your FB friend that the company has been told to suck it up and obey the law. They are not a church, they are a for-profit business. So they have to behave like one.

If they want to be a church, then they need to do a lot of modifications to their stores.

I hope that secular hobby stores gain a lot of business. (ETA: Even dark crowded grumpy ones)

Thanks! I posted that, but used the link for the same article on Fox news because I strongly suspect she is a Fox viewer and may take that cite more seriously, unfortunately.

Good for you.

Basically, a for-profit company is not a church. Hobby Lobby can follow the law or get stuffed.

Huh. I’d only been to a Hobby Lobby for the first time a few weeks ago. This explains the aisles dedicated to pure glurge.

Plus the policy of being closed on Sunday. This has led to me inadvertently “boycotting” them as Sunday tends to be my shopping day.

And the lack of witch items at Halloween. Jack-O-Lanterns as far as the eye could see but nary a Wiccan-American to be found.

I support this pitting, especially as it comes from a Mormon who used the term Moronic irrespective of the Book of Moroni. Well pitted, April.

I’m a Jew, so I don’t let Christians shop in my store. God set forth his laws and Christians routinely ignore them by eating pork, wearing clothes of mixed fibers, and shopping and working between sundown on Friday and Saturday. I also make sure that my male employees are circumcised and that the women don’t work during their menstrual periods.

None of the above is true of course, but it makes about as much sense as Hobby Lobby.

I really enjoyed trying to figure out what the topic of this thread was from just the title and the mouse over. I settled on “Hobby Lobby” being the name of a televangelist.

Hobby Lobby’s ties to Liberty University (home of the Falwell) were enough to cause me to boycott them years ago. The Green family once donated $10 million to help build a law school for Liberty (fucking source). Additionally, Hobby Lobby donated an 888,000-square-foot building to Thomas Road Baptist Church in 2004. The church then leased it to Liberty for chicken scratch (fucking source). Liberty U was also one of the top candidates to receive a 217-acre college campus donation from Hobby Lobby in Massachusetts, although the Greens ended up choosing another Christian university instead after a massive outcry from the local community (fucking sources).

Lastly, and perhaps most offensively, Liberty University’s “Liberty Counsel” is preparing to sue to prevent conversion therapy from being illegalized in California. Fuck Hobby Lobby. With a crucifix, Linda Blair-style.

Good pit,** April R**. Could’ve used a few swears, but I realize that’s not your style.

Crap, between boycotting Hobby Lobby and Chick Fil A, where am I going to get my junk food and plastic plants? My fake ficus needs a friend.

I have boycotted Hobby Lobby my entire life.

I have no hobbies.

And I hate lobbies.

This alone earns them a boycott, just for adding to the pile of glurgy shit collecting in my inbox.

Oh, I never liked Hobby Lobby but never realized they were so Christian. Everybody wants an exemption, everyone wants to be special. Suck it.

Sattua, come visit us - we’ve got Joanne’s, and they’re not grumpy, two Michael’s stores, and an A.C. Moore!

The best thing about Obamacare is that it’s giving me a handy list of businesses to avoid.

Well, I’m pissed off at Michael’s for making their small clay plant pots so hard to find.

It’s about the only place I can buy 2-3 inch pots for my cactus seedlings, and I have to wade through all their craft crap to locate them, risking trampling by hefty-sized women hellbent on seizing decorative plastic garbage.

You won’t read about that in the liberal media.

Well - I disagree with Green, and I disagree with him on the proper Christian response to the health care law, but I’m not going to boycott him over that any more than I would boycott an athiest store owner who refused to sell Christmas decorations. He’s entitled to believe what he believes, and he’s entitled to file a lawsuit if he wants to. (I’m glad it was thrown out).

I hope he comes to the realization that if his employees want to buy “abortion-causing drugs” that that’s between them and God, and not his responsibility or problem. Health care is part of the compensation that HL provides its employees, just like salary, and presumably any employee can take their HL salary down to the local Planned Parenthood and get an old fashioned abortion that way as well without Mr. Green having a say in it.

I really do understand how repulsive it is for some to feel like they are funding abortions, directly or indirectly. And although I support the law, I’d not be opposed to an exception for religious institutions (and let potential employees decide who they’d rather work for). But no matter how much I respect HL’s commitment to closing early and on Sundays, they are not a religious institution and need to suck it up and follow the law.

Here’s what I’ve never got from this whole “we don’t want to pay for birth control” rigmarole:

If your employees are such sterling Christians, they’re not going to be availing themselves of the evil birth control in the first place, so you won’t be paying for shit. And if one of your sterling Christian employees does avail themselves of birth control, you should do the only proper thing and stone them to death in the public square.