I pit Ms. Tara Reade for putting our country through this

You have an inflated sense of self-worth if you think I cogitate your posts for a full ten seconds, let alone a week! :smack:

I saw your post belatedly, chortled at your stupidity, and immediately clicked Reply hoping to enlighten you.

I knew the hope was in vain and, sure enough, you click and produce some tripe that doesn’t even acknowledge you understood the point. It’s fine though: I post for my own amusement. I realize that the U.S. is overrun with cretins and doomed to never again be the great country it once was. For me, the stages of grief alternate with [DEL][COLOR=“Gray”]hebephrenia[/DEL][/COLOR] laughter.

Total aside, but a thing I’ve noticed lately is that claims of ‘I research as much as possible,’ or ‘I do my own research here,’ or similar are inevitably followed by the most ignorant, stupid bullshit you can imagine. It’s the new “I’m not racist, but…”

that’s what happens when the “research” turns out to be unsourced videos on YouTube or some nobody’s Twitter feed.

I think I get it-If you vote “third party” when you know your candidate doesn’t stand a chance in hell of being elected, you get to pretend you have participated without taking any responsibility for what that candidate might do once in office. That vote doesn’t plant a seed of hope or despair or anything in-between. That vote has been neutered. If you are voting for a candidate that you know can’t win, you might as well take that card you voted on, make it into a paper airplane and toss it out the window.
The trouble with fence sitting is that the fence goes nowhere and does nothing.

You . . . chortled? After cogitating?

Are you typing this from a Dickens novel or something?

Worse: Fence-sitting means you’re not supporting the candidate with the best chance to beat the worst candidate, so you are helping the worst candidate win. The people who are most invested in their self-image as being above politics and utterly resolute in their support of the absolute best will scream and whine the loudest when people point this out, but in the voting systems in use in most of the world it happens to be true.

I notice that the most avid fence-sitters are the ones who are privileged enough to not have to care about election outcomes. Again, noticing this out loud makes them scream and whine and act quite rude.

I don’t think of Linty or Doggy-D as fence sitters, nor do I see them as Russian shills, and I take back the comments about them being idiots. I give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that they’re posting in good faith - as they define it.

The sad reality is that they’re losing hope - and I get it. There’s unfortunately some truth to the fact that a lot of Democrats during the Clinton years were presenting themselves as “new Democrats” and capitalists with a conscience. Some of them also voted to support disastrous decisions like the repeal of Glass-Steagall, the Iraq war, unfettered discretion to wage war wherever we want, and were generally not really loud opponents to the economics of Greenspan and other neoliberal economists and politicians.

But at the end of the day, politics can only go in the direction people take it. If Obama is guilty of not supporting a public option for health insurance, that’s probably because there just weren’t enough people across the country who insisted that he create one. The solution, therefore, isn’t to vote for a third party who has no chance of winning anything, but instead encouraging more grassroots efforts to demand a public option. And that requires a lot more than posting on a message board; it requires dirt under the fingernails.

I encountered this as a stockbroker. Any call that began with, ‘I’ve been doing my research…’ was an immediate clue that I was in for a 30 minute (minimum) anti-Obama rant. Their research consisted of watching Glenn Beck, Fox News and reading Ron Paul’s newsletters.

‘Obama is going to destroy this county’ ‘Socialism will kill our economy’ ‘The dollar will be worthless’ Basically any of the right wing anti Obama word salad phrases.

Then they’d proceed to liquidate their blue chip and balanced portfolio and leverage to the hilt in gold.

Wonder how that worked out for them during the greatest bull market in history?


I mean, I’ve only been posting that for the past two months, but I’m glad someone finally listened.

Yes, you’ve been posting this, but your expressed dissatisfaction with Biden is irrational, IMO, and that’s what people are reacting to. They’re not wrong.

Without some sort of open methodology that can be examined by others, it may as well be a “What Disney Princess Would Biden Be?” Buzzfeed quiz.

We have a president who has come out and said that check and balances do not apply to him and he can do whatever he wants, and we have a senate and possibly a supreme court that agrees with him on this. Meanwhile we have an attorney general who has sworn fealty to the current king wannabe and stated that no investigation of political wrong doing will be allowed without his approval. No this isn’t like any other time.

Show me your beacon of hope that we have any possibility of getting there and I’ll start paddling. But right now the only instrument we have is the buckets and telling us that we need drop everything looking to Alexandria 500 miles due East isn’t going to get us there.

Not to mention that political supporters of said wannabe have been paying people to lie about the wannabe’s enemies. The wannabe himself has a website full of “alternative facts” about his political opponent.

Not to mention that he has the possibility to be the first, at least in recent memory, to be elected for a second term without ever having an approval rating above 50%.

The opposite of “perfect” is not “evil”.

Or, in my case, so, sooooo far in the other direction from “privileged” that it really doesn’t matter which of the two “mainstream” jackass parties are in power; I’m still neck-deep in the struggle, relegated to the rock-bottom of the societal ladder.

We have a president who says a lot of dumb stuff and a congress who does a lot of dumb stuff, but I’ll tell you what, Buck: I’ll make you a gentleman’s bet. If you’re right, and I’m wrong, and the fat, orange, 70-something halfwit who can’t form a coherent sentence wins in 2020 and has himself proclaimed God-Emperor for life, and the entire system of checks and balances actually does collapse before his tiny-fingered might, and then the Douche-stapo rounds up you, me, and the rest of the Democrats and ships them off in chains to slave away in his . . . real estate mines, or whatever . . . well, I’ll owe you a shiny penny. :slight_smile:

Thank you for telling us exactly how low your standards are.

Hey, dude, you’re the one sticking up for the sexually harassing, out-of-touch idiot.

You know what you posted about people who vote for third-party candidates? In case you’ve forgotten, here it is:

Yeah, that works both ways. If you vote for the mainstream candidate who sexually harasses women, plagiarises, doesn’t really do anything for the party, and generally acts like the creepy touchy uncle, who only gets let out of Morningwood Memory Care facility once a year for the family picnic and then pretend that it doesn’t matter just because he has a “D” after his name–and, let’s face it, doesn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell against an incumbent president who doesn’t mind punching back–you’re absolving yourself of responsibility, too.

The difference is that after all this is over in November, and we’ve lost, the third party voters, misguided as they might have been, can still say they voted their conscience. You’re the idiot who threw your principles, your values, and women who were touched inappropriately under the bus for political expediency . . . and then didn’t even have the balls to own it. Oh no, you’re not wrong. You can’t be wrong. You can only be wronged. But it’s never, ever your fault. Or Biden’s.

Don’t lecture me about being neutered, Czarcasm. I’m not the one sticking up for an abusing deviant and excusing his behavior. I’ll bet you said–and did–the exact same thing in '96 with Clinton, right? How did that work out for you in 2000?

Man, it must feel good to be so woke.

Cool story, bro. Bring that revolution!!!