I pit Ms. Tara Reade for putting our country through this

…And in the race to see which has sold out faster in the Covid era, toilet paper and #metoo are neck and neck!

…thus displaying once again that you really don’t understand #MeToo.

Yeah, I forgot that it was a weapon intended to be aimed at Trump, which has now circled back on the left.

You’re fundamentally ignorant on this topic, and probably unable to be educated and understand. I’ve certainly tried and tried in many threads, and you show absolutely no inclination to even consider the possibility that some people truly actually care about fighting sexual assault more than politics. Sad and tiresome, but there it is.

Hopefully any girls and women in your life (and perhaps even more importantly, boys and men) learn about this from fundamentally decent and open-minded people (obviously not you!) who see sexual assault and rape as the truly monstrous society-wide crime that it is, rather than some amusing one-liner to use as political snark for internet points.

He’s not ignorant, iiandyiiii, he’s just trolling. Anything to own the libs.

Emphasis added.

Here, too.

No, Biden is not moderate left by the criteria of that site. By US standards, he’s the most progressive candidate of a major party in a century.

BTW, the choice between Biden and trump is what we’re voting on here. If you want a Green president, voting Democrat now is the fastest way to get there.

You do all the research… but believe in God? Yeah, might want to expand the critical thinking there.

And you actually buy that “The Political Compass” means anything?

You’re a troll and a particularly stupid troll.

I don’t give a fuck where Bernie Sanders or Biden fits on some stupid world scale, they’re not running for President there. In case you haven’t noticed, the race is for President of the USA.

Also, while there may be far left fringe parties in other democracies, they don’t hold power.

We’ve got two fascists, neither of which will lead to much of anything positive. So no, choosing the diet fascist won’t get there any “faster” - or at all, for that matter.

And no, Biden is not “the most progressive candidate of a major party in a century”. A good several are much more left than he is, and a couple are actually objectively “left” (albeit verrrrrry tepidly, Bernie-style). And the best example is one that actually became President - FDR.

Ah, yes, the old “anyone who’s religious doesn’t think” canard. Cute. Being such a flaming atheist is not a sign of intelligence and rationality; it’s a sign of bigotry. Higher powers give purpose to not only humanity, but the universe as a whole. To think otherwise amounts of a form of nihilism, which - sorry, not sorry - I don’t do. I’m not just a temporarily-sapient sack of matter that didn’t live before this biological birth and won’t live ever again after my eventual biological death. The soul matters.

And yes. It’s a measurement tool. You might as well dismiss other ways of measuring things, too, based on such hard-hitting scientific refutations as the fact it exposes the zombie the Dems nominated as nothing more than Diet Trump.

I’m only a “troll” insofar as you consider me a “troll” for being sincerely honest about my culture, morals, etc and you simply not liking that. I’m not pretending; this is genuinely who I am, formed by my circumstances. Circumstances that woke me up to a hell of a lot of suppressed truths.

Newsflash: The United States is part of the world, and the whole world matters. Not everything revolves around America, and America doesn’t exist in a vacuum.

Your second statement is correct in the most useless way. Of course they don’t hold power - the CIA, MI6, etc make sure that elections get rigged all the time. And when the rigging fails and a real leftist force does win power somewhere, it’s coup time! And this ain’t just the Operation Condor of the history books, this just happened last October with Evo Morales, an actual leftist duly elected in Bolivia (to the point even the US front posing as a “watchdog” later admitted they lied about the election being ‘fraudulent’), getting couped out.

Some succeed despite the coup attempts, like Maduro’s Venezuela (rip in peace, Guaido’s failed coup), and Castro’s Cuba, and they’re definitely examples that imperial mess can be caught, neutered, and sent back home… but they’re exceptions, not rules. The fact anti-left sabotage & coups are so prevalent speaks to how immersed this era is in pure evil, as several Biblical books and several other holy texts speak of. Can’t be having none of that “actual civilization” stuff popping up, no siree Bob

This is what passes for ‘critical thinking’ on Facebook.

Are you serious? Biden is not fascist. Trump, on the other hand, adores that philosophy.

DoggyDiddit: are you an insult to religion by trying to be associated with it in any way, shape or form? Answer honestly.

…for once in your life.

@ Linty Fresh — So on a 1-to-10 shittiness scale you put Trump at 8.9 and Biden at 8.6?

God must love stupid clueless people: He made so many of them.

(sputter) . . . Why, how DARE you? Where do you get the nerve to . . .

Wait a minute. I wrote that, like, a week ago. Are you still pissed about something you read a week ago?

On the Internet??

Sigh . . . Poor old Wile E. Coyote. You know you’re not going to catch the Roadrunner, but every time he zips by and beep-beeps your butt, it just flicks a switch, right? You just can’t help it. You can’t leave me around chocolate. We can’t leave you logged in.

And yeah, I put Biden at slightly less shitty than Trump. What’s your point? I’ll vote for the lesser of two evils. I won’t fight for the lesser of two evils.

You know, I have to run off to work, but I was looking at what I typed here, and something clicked.

That’s it. THAT’S IT!! *That’s *what this board reminds me of. We used to be the smartest, hippest people on the Internet, but that was in the glory days of . . . well, not having anything better to do.

Not any more. This is a message board filled with Wile E. Coyotes and Elmer Fudds. We’re just wandering around wondering why nothing goes right. We’re playing a part. We’re playing a role. We just keep saying the same things over and over again and making the same mistakes, and we don’t listen and we don’t learn.

Doubt me? Fine. Go search for threads in the Pit and Great Debates from 2003 and 2004, back when I came on, and tell me you can spot the difference. It’s the same damned thing, right? Democracy is on the ropes (Joking aside, it’s ALWAYS on the ropes. Get that part straight), but that’s OK, because Kerry is going to beat Bush. Why? Because Kerry is waayyy less shitty than Bush, right? Right?

And then surprise, surprise, it all goes to shit, and we don’t get anything, and the Acme catapult is ruined, and we can’t even return it, because we voided the warranty.

Sigh . . . I mean, think about it: What would be the point of a Looney Tunes episode with no action and where Elmer Fudd puts down the shotgun, sits under the tree, and just . . . thinks. Reflects. Just thinks to himself along the lines of “OK, maybe it’s me. What’s wrong with my radar? How do I get back on track?” I just don’t think the kids would understand. The kids want to see Elmer fuck up and fail and be humiliated, and as long as the Looney Tunes pay checks keep coming, Elmer is happy to oblige. Well, not happy. But certainly comfortably established in his role.

Worth a thought, right?

No, just a Facebook and Twitter philosopher.

In other words, badly misinformed but convinced he’s another Hegel or Marx.

The lifeboat of our democracy has sprung a leak a long way from shore and is in danger of capsizing taking us all down with it. Some people are frantically bailing water trying to keep it a float, while others are complaining that the buckets we are using are not as large as they could be and nor made out of certified organic hemp, and won’t lift a finger until such buckets are made available. If the boat sinks well, its the people bailing who were the problem.

Read your history, Buck. The lifeboat of our democracy (a constitutional republic, to be precise) has always been somewhat leaky. Every once in a while, the lifeboat capsizes, and a bunch of us are left foundering in the water until we manage to get ourselves back. I’m with you on that. Constitutional abuse is something we all need to watch against, and again, if you read your 20th-century history, you’ll find that it doesn’t matter whether the president has an “R” or “D” after his name.

On that note, I don’t think there’s anything particularly unique about this election or even this president. Ooooh, we put a total fuckwit in the White House. That hasn’t happened since 2004! Maybe if we learn the lessons from 2004, we can save the lifeboat of democracy.

What we need isn’t more people bailing water or bigger hemp buckets. We need a beacon. We need the lighthouse of inspired leadership to lead us to the shores of knowledgeable political process so that we can stagger into the tavern of constructive bipartisanship and drink the heady ale of good civics while carousing with the saucy wenches of sensible legislation, and . . . OK, you’re better at this than I am, but my point stands. The sky isn’t falling, Chicken Little, and there’s going to be a 2024 presidential election regardless of who wins. Maybe we shift focus to preparing for THAT one, perhaps?

Isn’t the standard religious view that we’re all, each and every one of us, evil? Nobody is perfect but God, right? So every time you vote, between any two human candidates, you’re always picking a lesser evil. The third party and write-in candidates you pick are evil, too.