I pit Ms. Tara Reade for putting our country through this

And the possibility that Trump’s CREEP put her up to this has no bearing? Suuuuure.

Nope. Because I’d read it before, weeks ago. I wasn’t impressed. The article is full of dishonest bullshit, but instead of going through it paragraph by paragraph I’ll just point out that it was written by Ed Krassenstein.

You might not be aware of this, but Ed Krassenstein is a notorious crook who was busted for fraud in 2016, and was banned from Twitter for operating fake accounts and buying followers.

Krassenstein’s job is basically to figure out ways to monetise #ResistanceTwitter. I don’t trust him to portray Reade’s story fairly, because it’s not in his financial interest to do so. Bottom line, I just trust her much, much more than him.

There is, sadly, a lot of truth to this, and it’s hard not to become polarized in such a constantly polarized environment. (I am not by any means excepting you from that trend, sir, but your own polarization doesn’t make you wrong in this instance).

IOW, you have nothing so you shoot the messenger.

I haven’t examined the facts enough yet to hold an informed opinion on Reade’s accusations.

But it’s a foregone conclusion that anyone who opposes Trump in any way will be hit with false accusations of misdeeds that Trump himself is actually guilty of. We know this not just from countless, ridiculously obvious instances (“YOU’RE the puppet!”) but from gleeful admissions from Trump and his John-the-Baptist figure Roger Stone. The strategy neutralizes accusations against Trump, and sows confusion over the very existence of truth.

To paraphrase Voltaire: if Tara Reade didn’t exist, it would have been necessary for the Trump campaign to invent her.

You can’t say Obama did this to his opponents.

What am I saying? Of COURSE you can. That’s the whole idea.

You’re absolutely right: Republicans really are that bad.

If it was a choice between today’s republican party and one that didn’t have Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump and instead looked more like Larry Hogan or Mike Dewine, Democrats might very well be asking Biden to step aside right now.

The difference is that Republicans are god awful. I fully acknowledge the hypocrisy, but being a hypocrite is a low-level offense. There are many things worse than that – like electing republicans to control the White House, Congress, and SCOTUS.

So what if we’re being hypocritical? It’s republicans, not democrats, who invented the family values litmus tests anyway; it was the ‘christian values’ republicans, and democrats just like to point out their hypocrisy.

Tara Reade isn’t putting the country through this. Rotten people in politics and the media are putting us through this.


The self-identified “progressive wing of the Democratic party” are largely people who want to dismantle the party as it exists and replace it in toto with democratic socialism, hence why they boost candidates who are not actually members of the party. Whether you regard this as good or bad depends on your economic leanings and how likely it is that the entire demographic of the party is likely to swing left, but it is quite apparent that the hard-left “progressives” are willing to pull the temple down upon their heads rather than compromise one iota on their ideals, hence the near constant undermining of Elizabeth Warren (who shares the bulk of their policy ideals tempered with the pragmatism of having spent decades in working with bankruptcy and personal finance law) in favor of “Bernie” (who has no practical achievements to his name other than rabble rousing). Of course, it doesn’t help that the center-right wing of the party championed by political pragmatists like Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein essentially refuse to even acknowledge the talking points of the progressive faction, which fosters further division to no good end other the vain hope of appealing to people who are politically apathetic anyway.

Anyway, with regard to sexual assault allegations, [POST=20723805]I’ve said this previously[/POST]:

  • To date, every famous personality who has been credibly accused of sexual assault or harassment in the past year has seen multiple allegations due to a pervasive pattern of abusive behavior which you’d expect of someone who uses power or celebrity to force themselves on others.*

So, let Tara Reade have her moment in the sun and see whether her story (which appears to have changed multiple times as has her stated allegiances to political interests) is corroborated by any fact or credible testimony. Frankly, I don’t think Biden was a particularly brilliant pick as a candidate and wouldn’t be disappointed to have him step aside for someone else who isn’t Vermont Larry David but that would obviously cause a lot of additional churn, so the sooner this is exposed as either credible or fraudulent the better.

And every time some Trumpeter tries to thrash this about, just repeat clips of him talking about “grab them by the pussy”, or sneaking backstage to oggle beauty pageant contestants, or talking about how he wants to fuck his daughter.


Nothing wrong with shooting the messenger if the messenger is a known crook.

Have you asked MN Senator Al Franken what he thinks of your statement? Oh, wait…

IOW, you’re admitting that you have nothing.

Shodan hasn’t figured out that some people, even some Democrats, actually really care about fighting sexual assault. Even more than they care about politics. It’s kind of sad.

He figured it out a long time ago, but when the facts don’t fit your agenda…

It’s not that he hasn’t figured it out; he just doesn’t care, and the opportunity to stir shit like the infantile troll he is. Really, you should ignore him because he adores attention even (or perhaps especially) if it is negative.


You’re probably right. Thank you.

For fuck’s sake, YOU have nothing you dumb shit! You have a collection of tweets ripped from their context by a known liar, and sellotaped together with baseless insinuations and boilerplate Russia fear mongering. I’m not going to waste my time deconstructing Krassenstein’s article because I already know it was written by a crook with a track record of lying, fraud, and disingenuous fuckery, so what’s the fucking point?

Was Tara Reade busted by the feds for fraud? Was Tara Reade banned from Twitter for buying tens of thousands of fake followers to falsely establish herself as a major player in a political movement? No? Then she fucking wins, doesn’t she? She has more credibility than Ed Krassenstein, so if they disagree then I’m going to side with her. If you’ve got a problem with that then I suggest you find an article that wasn’t written by a dishonest piece of shit. Until then, fuck off.

He must be feeling hard done by. He put his hand on some women’s lower rear regions while posing for photographs, and he’s gone. Biden grabs someone by the pussy and everyone’s fawning all over him.

Regarding the OP, I think the accusation is most likely true, and I can’t condemn someone outing a powerful rapist, even if it helps Donald Trump.

The accusation seems most likely to be true because it hasn’t changed over time, contrary to claims elsewhere in this thread. She has several witnesses proving that she told the same story at the time. She has make her story public piecemeal, but hasn’t changed any part of it. Blasey Ford couldn’t claim either of those things.

National Archives Refute Biden’s Statement

The Biden Bros need to stop sending Tara Reade death threats. Can’t Biden control them? They are such nasty people, especially on Twitter.

Now they wanna fire Chris Hayes for dedicating an entire 2 minutes on her!