I’m INTP (borderline J) which is the 2nd largest SDMB group.
(* - The disdain for Myers-Briggs baffles me. The test asks questions which paraphrased are “Are you introverted?” and then, at the end tells you you’re “I.” How is that like astrology? :smack: )
Pit yourself, asshole. Just because you are an INTJ doesn’t mean that you are particularly good at it------from an INTJ who has been in a relationship for 21 years, and IIRC, you make it as hard as possible for me to maintain that relationship
Uhhhh … this claim is so wrong, so utterly nonsensical, that I’m going to assume you had some mental lapse.
Take a deep breath; reread the statement you’re responding to with the realization that “I” stands for “Introverted”; think for a few seconds; and try again.
Dude, astrology is all about asking people questions about their preconceived personality traits and then informing them that the answer is the one the already wanted. The birth date stuff and astronomy-ish parts are just figleafs.
The thing about the MB test is that on any given day your answer may be slightly different. And, depending upon the occasion you may also choose to do something different from what you had to pick as a multiple choice answer.
Placing people into pidgeon holes and labeling them is ridiculous. We’re all much more complex than that.
Sometimes I choose to be extroverted; sometimes I choose to be introverted.
Sometimes I feel like a nut; sometimes I don’t.
I, personally, give no creedence to those types of tests.
And yet you end up with some really weird results, like certain traits being drastically overrepresented in certain social groups. Less Wrong members are seven times more likely than background to be INTJ, which makes sense when you consider what “INTJ” actually means - Introversion, Intuition, Thinking, Judgment - and realize that that’s basically rationalists (and high-functioning autists, and there is a lot of overlap) in a nutshell. It’s not exactly scientific, it’s not guaranteed to be the same from test to test, it doesn’t tell you anything you weren’t already prepared to tell it up front, but the categories legitimately are useful to some degree.