What Myers-Briggs typs are you?

Based upon a thread from a few years ago, I thought I’d put this into a poll format so people could see the results at a glance. It has been something I’ve been thinking about for a while and it might explain why people reach different conclusions with equal data points (for those that even care about data!).
Lord knows, I’ve been frustrated many times by people who can’t seem to see daylight when staring straight into the Sun. Maybe this will help clarify things a bit.
Myers-Briggs explained. Some more info.
Does someone have a link to an online test?

You may have read that thread, but you apparently skipped over my advice. Since your links are not very skeptical, before you put much stock in MB, it would be a good idea to read this.

Not likely. But keep deluding yourself.

I should say I’m an INTP. The ‘P’ is very close to a ‘J’. The couple of times I’ve taken the test, in both cases there has only been 1 point difference between the two.

Also, frequency of types in the US population Link

I’m sorry, Musicat, I didn’t realize that you were an expert. If I had known that I would have not started this thread. But thanks for shitting in my thread and not actually taking the poll.

In any case. A test that asks which color you like, will tell another person exactly what color you like on the date and time you took the test. That is an easy question to answer and to explain. Tests like Myers-Briggs are more complex and open to interpretation. People are complex and open to interpretation. They may not always be accurate as to the true personality of a person especially when that person is under stress.
If you score equal amounts on all data points it is likely that you can fit into all the different categories. The higher you score on a particular data point the more likely that you will fit the criteria for that category rather than its opposite. And if all the test tells someone is your preferences then that isn’t a bad thing, nor is trying to understand yourself a bit better, either.
To compare them to a horoscope with no input from the subject is ridiculous, though.

I clicked “ENTP” after taking an online self-test, but on both this test and one I took 15 years ago, I scored exactly 50% extroverted, 50% introverted, so I guess I’m equally “INTP.”

(Pace Musicat—I’m right with you on their lack of value for the real world, but I like “which X are you?” quizzes.)

I always either score INFJ or INFP.

Everytime I take one of these, whether official or internet test, I get INxx. The other two numbers seem to vary, although it’s been more F lately. J and P are all over the place. I wish I remembered what I got the 2 or 3 times I took the “real” MBTI. I put INFP because that’s the last one I remember. I was surprised to see it the highest, but of course I’m sure that will wash away with more posters responding.

I’ve done these a couple of times - the first time was a properly administered and marked test, the other was online. Both agreed I’m an ENFP - very strongly E, F and P, and moderately strong N.

Questions asking whether one prefers fish or beef should do a very good job of distinguishing fish-lovers from beef-lovers. Similarly questions can be posed to distinguish introverts and extraverts. To claim otherwise is to claim that those terms are meaningless. Someone who types as INTP is an INTP and that can be used as a shorthand for a “type”, whether you invoke Jung or not. Why is this hard to understand?

Now, whether that type is a useful predictor for career, lover, etc. is another question. (I don’t know the answer to that question and, I’m afraid, the article linked to in the quote above doesn’t seem well-reasoned enough to be helpful there.)

I do think it’s appropriate for cynics like Musicat to take the test sincerely and post their results here. I predict they will show as J-Judgemental. :smiley:

Would you feel that posting my astrological sign was useful, too? If so, what sign would that be?

I’m betting you’re a Libra or a Virgo. :stuck_out_tongue:

I put down ENFP, although I’m right at 50/50 on the introvert/extrovert scale. Which result I get usually depends on how they word the questions and how I feel that day. Once I got an INTP, since I’m also pretty close to 50/50 on the thinking/feeling scale.

I share your shock and rage that someone dared to disregard your plainly expressed instructions upon what to think: it is utterly infuriating and can be most terribly bad for the heart. All I can suggest on these occasions, it relieves stress to throw breakable ornaments at the wall, lay one’s cane across the shoulders of one’s tardy attendant, and — in extreme cases — have them wheel one’s bath-chair into the chilly night and to bay at the moon.

Another INTP checking in. I happen to run the Yahoo INTP-Type group.

I do think that type can be horribly misused. It can suggest tendencies and trends, but it won’t tell you whom to marry or anything similar. I am also annoyed by people using their type as an excuse or typing celebrities based on whether they like them or not.

OTOH, it’s can give you a language for clarifying different people’s approaches. You can say these things using other words, but it’s just a handy vocabulary. I do see some major personality clashes here being pretty easily described by type.

ESTP here. I enjoy taking these kinds of tests.

INTP. And the description of INTP fits me extremely well, especially this one!

I’m ENFJ today.

(I’ve noticed that my score varies depending on variables like my mood, the weather and how much time I spent on the test.)

That’s absolutely hilarious and scarily accurate. I just read it to a friend who genuinely believed I was making it up due to its summary of my entire life. :smiley:

INTJ here. We love internet forums.

This article freaked me out a bit when I read it, it’s such an accurate description of me growing up.

Poll on exact same subject from last July.

Given the nature of this board (I started one about 18 months ago in the pre-poll days), I’ll wager we’ll keep seeing at least one poll per year for the foreseeable future.