I Pit pain

Real *HTG pain does suck. I was a migrainer from the age of 28 through about 47. So bad I often thought it wasn’t worth it. So bad that Vicodin didn’t even phase it. Demerol was my only friend. Thankfully one day Mr. Migraine just went away. But I will never forget the second to second agony or real physical pain.

Oh yeah, God sucks too. Not that I needed pain to know that…
[sup]*Honest to God[/sup]

Btw, as for Dopers, along with Dio – and of course many other sources and reasons, but on a personal observation level – you’re one of the reasons I’m an atheist now. This is one of the reasons why.

Omegaman, I would have expected more compassion from you. Am I misunderstanding? You sound more like DT!

There are some things that you can do for chronic pain, BG. Have you been to a Pain Management Center**? Also, I used a TIMS box at one point and they helped me. Does anyone still use those?

I’m sorry that you are hurting. I really do recommend Pain Management Centers.

:rolleyes: Yeah, because I tend to burst into threads where people talk about their medical problems and belittle them.

Perhaps if their medical problems were the result of serving in the US military during the Iraq War?

You know I have compassion. But pain is pain. It is your own. I think only our loved ones can really understand what it’s like. They see you limp or grimace at odd times when you are the only ones around. My wife gets kidney stones and has to have lithotripsy. It makes me cry to see her hurting but I know I can only hold her hand and I know that doesn’t help but what can you do. Not a damn thing. Such is life, I guess. Then you have smart asses come along and try to start shit because thier sure your a liar. Whatever. It just sends me the message they haven’t seen it up close or experienced it for themselves. As for my self I see people in wheel chairs shitting in bags and I’m going to bitch? I don’t think so. Liar or hardass take your pick. What really gets me is I help people all the time.I don’t do it to feel good and I don’t come here and blather on about it. I do it because it is right. I haven’t lost my life yet but I’ve come close a couple of times. Doesn’t deter me one bit. Alot of times I think, is it worth it? All the trouble it causes? Still don’t care.

Zoe, you know I respect you and I might as well just say I love you. You’re a good person. I can smell it all the way over here. I hope you don’t think I’m like DT. I’m not a liar or a tough guy or any thing else, just a man trying to make sense of this hard world we live on. Just a man.

As someone who is entering my fifth week of straight shingles-related pain, I can sympathise.

Not only has Vicoden and Oxycondone not helped much, it affects the right side of my head, neck and shoulders, so I can’t sleep comfortably ever. Also, my right ear is extremely sensitive to touch so I can’t wear my glasses and must rely on contact lens that are under my prescription because I can’t afford the custom ones that would correct my vision and astigmatism

I’ve starting to pray for relief, where I never did pray before.

Don’t worry about me; I’m alright.

I’ve always felt for the plight of my fellow-man but I empathize with chronic pain sufferers now like you wouldn’t believe. More than the lack of sleep, the constant wall of pain just wears you down.

You could ask for oxycontin next. It gives you migraines, from having the neck/shoulder pain and as an added bonus you get pissed off at the drop of a hat. Someone speaking to you loudly, the stupidest things. It’s hard to give up too. Because it works to some degree. I told my wife about this conversation and she said pain was like breathing.

Actually, I don’t think Der Trihs get enough credit around here.

Just think, day in and day out, week after week and year after year, he has to be him. Every time he looks in the mirror, that sad, pathetic, wacked-out person he is stares balefully back at him. And he knows. Yes, he knows.

And yet he soldiers on, coming onto this message board every day, knowing that roughly 99% of its readers despise him, and intrepidly spouts his nonsense and hate.

You gotta admire a guy like that!


It took two years to wear me down, and constant pain will wear anybody down. Do you see somebody with a clenched jaw and tensed face that doesn’t let up? That person is in constant pain. I’ve been in stores with tears running down my checks, because my eye’s wouldn’t stop watering. I don’t call it crying, because it wasn’t an emotional thing, with a verbal boo hoo. BrainGlutton I hope you get some periods of relief soon. My condition is not anywhere near what it was at it’s worse, and it’s taken a few years for me to be pleasant again. I don’t know if I could go back to being that bad for any period of time again. My mind has blocked a lot of it out, so long as I don’t dig at it. I really sincerely wish you better health in the future.

Look into diazapam and botox for the severe muscle cramps you have. A muscle relaxant may help many times better than a pain medication.

Yeah, sure, I’m soooo miserable. :rolleyes:

As for who’s sad and pathetic, I’m not one of the people who decided they just HAD to try to hijack a completely unrelated thread into a ( rather pathetic ) pitting of a poster I don’t like. That’s you, not me.

There are all kinds of things you can still try. I’ve got the same problems as you, Brain, so I know exactly what it’s like and what you’re going through. It took a while to find something that works, and it happened by accident. I ended up being prescribed Lamictal for mood swings, but it’s also used for chronic pain. Since I’ve been taking it, I haven’t had nearly the same pain that I’d been having before. You might talk to your doctor about trying this or a similar drug.


Well that’s the thing. I don’t despise him. When I was younger I was a bully so I know how he got to where is.I feel bad for him as I helped make him, if you will. I’m not proud of it by any means, It’s all about the cycle of abuse. So now, I try, I mean I try hard to help people. Anybody who will hold out thier hand, I do what I can for them. It’s cost me a lot as of late ecspecially. I still have my wife, thank God for that. She knows whats in my heart and she’s the same way. She helps people too. Bless her heart. It’s a fucked up world, where everyoine judges each other like they’re God or something. And they try to hurt you anyway they can. That’s why family is so important, it’s rare that they screw you over. Well nevermind. I forgot, I’m the internet tough guy, liar , hater and all that bullshit.

Peace be with you.

This is an example of pain that I can relate to.

I can understand why you feel that way. I had a terrible pain for months that dragged out with useless physical therapy and pain killers that didn’t work. It was a long time before I was finally diagnosed with a pinched sciatic nerve. After a fairly quick visit to the neurosurgeon, I was completely cured with a shot of steroids directly against my spine. Keep seeing doctors and doing research on your own until someone figures out what’s wrong and what to do about it. Maybe a surgery is available. It’s amazing how one doctor can know practially nothing, while the next figures it out with a glance at the records. Don’t give up, BrainGlutton.

You know what I’ve learned from my 37 years of intermittent pain? Hardly anything. Oh, I know how to trick it, hide from it, face it head on, succumb, fight back, go with it, surrender, meditate, hypnotize myself, take my meds, avoid triggers, complain, wait for it to pass, cry, and all that. But as far as I can tell, I’m not at all wiser, ennobled or even slightly embiggened by it.

You don’t get any life-brownie points for enduring pain – it doesn’t bestow virtue and has no hidden value or ameliorative qualities that I’ve ever seen. I’m with BrainGlutton, pain just plain sucks.

I will see a pain management doctor this coming Wednesday due to unrelenting pain in the lower back, stemming from an automobile accident last year. I’ve been seeing an orthopedic doctor since the accident; he has had me going to physical therapy three times a week for the last three months and I still hurt. According to him, the pain management guy will give me one or more steroid injections; if that doesn’t work, surgery is all that is left.
I also have to give up my delivery route because of the repetitive lifting that is required; getting in and out of my car gets harder every day. I take Flexoril twice a day as well as 500mg Ibuprofen twice a day. If either of them provides relief, I haven’t noticed.
What really bothers me is that the pain isn’t horrific at any time but it is there constantly, like the ringing in my left ear. It just doesn’t stop nor does it diminish. Its just a constant in my life. Constant pain really drags a person down.

BG, I’m in agreement with you. I’m struggling with trying to get my insurance to understand that I need some decent pain meds before I can haul my butt to PT and get my fucked up knees to work again.

Let’s take some good meds, some tea and sit in a corner and ignore the idiots.

And it can drag loved ones down too. Ivylad, as you may know from what I’ve posted here, has an f—ed up back. He has a morphine pump implanted under his skin and still gets a prescription for oxycodone. He takes pills just to function throughout the day.

Not being able to enjoy life, to try to push yourself to keep up with your family, not to be able to do the things you once did…that, I think, is the real bitch about constant pain. Not the physical hurt, but the mental and emotional drain it takes. And knowing I can’t do a damn thing about it makes me swing between frustration at how much slack I have to pick up to frustration that he’s pushing himself too much.

After a good nights sleep I can only offer my apologies. It is always the right thing to be considerate of others. I hope you feel better, BG. I really do.