I pit Texas Rep Louis Gohmert for his stupid comments regarding the Aurora shooting.

As crazy as shit is these days, how the fuck does anyone ever know?

I’m criticizing the Media/Government Complex, The government for using politically-correct media photo-ops, and the media for quoting politicians who are in a situation where it is impossible to do anything but perform the correct pageantry. The fact that the president feels sorrow for a tragedy is not news, but it would be news if he expressed sorrow for the “wrong” tragedy.

The death toll is now at 15. http://www.kristv.com/news/pickup-crash-near-goliad-leaves-13-dead/

Either the man doesn’t acknowledge any tragedies at all, or he acknowledges all of them? He is too human for the former, and the latter would have him in a loony bin within a year.

Which forum are we in? Ah, the Pit. In that case:

The Media/Government Complex? Media/Government Complex?

What kind of half-brained, pseudo-educated, paranoid …

Are you honestly - honestly - criticizing the President for not commenting on a traffic accident? Because he gave his personal condolences to families of those killed in an event no-one could view as anything but meaningless slaughter? And in doing so acted as a surrogate for all citizen of the country who can only wish to offer some comfort?

You compare that to a traffic accident?

Please, do not misunderstand me. My heart bleeds for the families of those killed in both incidents, and, yes, when I see a government official taking time to act as symbol I tend to wish s/he were spending time more practically, but to actually criticize one for demonstrating compassion, by using a … GOOF-BALL phrase such as “Media/Government Complex” …

Just … please, tell me “88” stands for the year you were born.

Give me that, at least.

Whenever I hear “recent comments from Representative Louie Gohmert” or some such, I know the Crazy Train’s about to make a stop at my door.

His resume seems really impressive at first glance…Defense attorney, then a judge, now congressman. But if I had to guess the nuttiest member of Congress…well, he’s near the top of my list.

Wake me up when the Media/Government Complex is responsible for trillions of taxpayer debt and millions of lives.

Also, two wrongs fallacy.

j666/jtur88: could you do us all a favour and colour-code your posts in this thread? My eyes hurt. No, wait, that might be annoying to other posters. Tell you what, could one of you post silly inanities that utterly fail to make a point? Thanks.

I quote this to someone about twice a month. Really puts things in perspective for me (and hopefully those I quote it to).

Let’s see now. Supposing the president had sent personal, private notes to the survivors, or slipped into Denver unnoticed to meet with them. And/or that the media had respected the president’s wishes for the privacy of the condolences. Would you still be begging me to not misunderstand you?

Remember when Bush ignored Katrina and left it to Brownie? And how the media played that one? Is a hurricane in the class with a senseless slaughter, or an accident? What makes them different?

I guess I’m in the wrong forum. I though this was one where different points of view could be expressed without eliciting personal insults from the “correct” side…

Yep, you’re definitely in the wrong forum for that. This is the forum for bitching people out for their stupid opinions (no commentary on the debate here.)

As I recall, the media played it as Bush appointed an incompetent goober to run FEMA. How it’s relevant to either the Colorado theater shooting or a pickup crash in Texas is beyond me.

“I came here for an argument!!”

“OH! Oh! I’m sorry! This is abuse!”

“Oh! Oh I see!”

“Aha! No, you want room 12A, next door.”

Well, that’s assuming dumb has a normal distribution.

I think it’s complicated by the ignorant factor.

Half the time I quote it the person I’m talking to says something like, “Yeah! This country sure is going downhill fast!”…and I know on which side of the equation to stick that person.

This is not Great Debates - this is the Pit. We can be mean.

I am not aware of having begged you to do anything, including not misunderstand me.

Finally, I will not accept as a valid basis for discussion the assumption that the President of the United States could slip anywhere unnoticed.

In short, I would recommend you revert to ranting about Obama, as logical arguments are obviously not your forte.

Clearly, the Illuminati would never have allowed Obama to do such a thing.

Regarding Gohmert’s question about why no one else in the theater was packing.


It was just dumb luck that this fool shot himself rather than some child sitting next to him.

That just happened. There was another incident back in July.


Yes, those kinds of incidents are relatively rare, but what percentage of the population is currently carrying? My guess is that it’s small. What happens if that number increases? Just what percentage of the population does Gohmert suggest should be armed?

At what percentage would we start to see this kind of idiocy happening on a regular basis?

At what percentage would the overall accidental slaughter exceed the overall body count of rare events like what happened in Aurora? I don’t know the answer, but I think it’s a legitimate question.

hey, hey, hey, don’t go blaming Texas for this asshat. Blame the fact that you can’t get elected without a lot of money. that is the problem with my state: all the people who aren’t assholes can’t afford to run for office. Fuck Louis Gohmert. He is a dipshit, unfortunately I do have to admit that Texas is the rodeo buckle of the bible belt and we do have an awful lot of ignorant motherfuckers here. Apparently (if you listen to the Texas GOP) being well informed and well educated is the devil’s work because it may make you question the status quo. On second thought, yeah, blame Texas and our obsession with God. I’ve been in denial for years about it, but, the conservatives who run this state don’t want a well educated and well informed populace because then they might question what their preachers are told to tell them to think.

Oh, And David, in response to your comment: a whole shitload of us in Texas are legal to carry. The funny thing is that most of the legal concealed carriers I know (myself included,) rarely carry. Granted, this may be because most of the people I know are ‘them heathen fuckin’ liberal socialists’ to use the local vernacular. Not everyone in Texas is a moron, just the ones who don’t question what their preacher tells them.