I Pit the Audience of the GOP Debate


For this. If they were booing because a candidate said he supported repealing DADT, it might make some sense, but what was the crowd booing here? I find it absolutely disgraceful and disgusting-if the crowd was booing the soldiers for being homosexual why the Hell weren’t they booing former Speaker Gingrich everytime he went up considering he committed the abominable offense of adultery? :mad::mad::mad:

People are morons. What can you do?

I wouldn’t say it’s any worse than the knuckleheads that cheered the statement that Texas led the nation in executions or those that shouted “Oh yeah!” when a candidate was asked if uninsured patients should be left for dead.

Qin, have you ever actually paid attention to the party you seem to like so much? Being shocked that Republicans would be homophobic is kind of disingenuous, even for a 15-year-old.

Because Newter is one of them, a Jeebus-hating fag isn’t.

If nothing else, this helps answer the age-old question, which is the stronger feeling? Army loving or fag hating? Now we know.

And you’re a big fan of theirs. Congratulations.


To the extent that anti-gay bigots have mainstream political representation, the Republicans are their party. Why wouldn’t they boo a gay soldier?

Yeah, I can’t understand why people are surprised that the Republican Party is exactly who they say they are,.

Having, at the time of this post, just returned from bringing my daughter to school, I’m presuming that Qin will likely be off the grid, Dope-wise, for the next 7-8 hours.

Just an OT tip to anyone who might think he’s bowing out of the conversation at this point.

To be fair, I didn’t know this at his age, either.

More proof, as if any was needed, that these people are bigots. It has nothing to do with family values or the sanctity of marriage. It is hate pure and simple.

I’m making that allowance. Despite what some people post about him, Qin generally does come back to his OPs to engage. A lot more than certain other posters generally do or did.

It must be hell to be a GOP candidate. The thing about being the leader of an angry mob is that it’s sometimes hard to tell whether you’re leading them or just trying to keep far enough ahead that they don’t run you down.

When I was his age Bush The Greater was taking office. It was less obvious back then.


Not really. Not if you WERE gay…

Yeah me too. I didn’t follow politics until I was almost 18 and could vote. Before that I thought it was dumb an dboring and tried to avoid it.

Hell, they didn’t even have “gay” when I was his age. Just “queer”, “fairy”, that sort of thing.

I can’t say as I’m surprised to hear them boo, but it did surprise me to hear them boo in the context of the event. You would think they would have *some *decorum. Is it not obvious by now that a significant percentage of the right is a bigoted mess? Why keep courting them? I’d love to hear from a thoughtful conservative who doesn’t feel the need to bash on gays, thump the bible, and deny evolution. Make a solid constitutional argument, show me how you intend to preserve standards without federal oversight, and I’m all ears. Let the tea party take the bigots, racists and loons, and run a serious candidate.

Seriously? Maybe you’re bust being way too charitable toward them, but those people you’re complaining about are the people these candidates are competing to impress.

Because that would leave you with Jon Huntsman standing alone in an empty room.

Even the ones who pull the R lever and aren’t a racist homophobic shitheel, they do it because the R’s “won’t raise their taxes”. At best they’re stupid for believing it, at worst, they’re stupid for believing it and evil for being willing to oppress and shit on other people for a couple percent worth of tax breaks for themselves.


I know, it’s like… you’re leading the chase after Frankenstein’s monster, when all of a sudden you realize that the monster is you. <toke>

And I’ll tell you, this is my policy now: call a spade a spade. I used to try to be diplomatic, to engage these folks in conversation. . . but only a fool argues with a fool. Instead, when I hear someone (of any political persuasion, but it’s usually a very conservative person) say something bigoted, I look at them and tell them that.

I wish more people would call folks on this type of hateful behavior*.

*And I’m not saying people aren’t in this instance, but I suppose I’m just speaking generally.