I pit the derisive, condenscending, anti-conspiriacy ... [merged threads]

This thread was closed. It was not my thread. The OP made some very good points which I wanted to emphasize. However, the fucking point of the OP was lost and I guess here I am defending myself and the OP and the few others who contributed to that thread.

Because the clueless come out. I give evidence, Foundation X. tomndebb says there is nothing wrong with linking to a speech; however, he objects to the “citation of the speech”. He objects to my evidence, which is fine. Just say so.

Stink Fish Pot was right, except they weren’t masters of propaganda. They never told their people the truth not because they did not want to but because they did not have the truth.

I don’t have the truth.

I had it for a little while, but it turned out I couldn’t handle the truth. I think I left it in the fridge.

Then we are in agreement.

You sir, are a dumbass.

I’m glad someone understands the difference between truth and evidence.

It starts.

You hypothetically have no truth, but you actually have no evidence. A fine distinction, but one lost on many people.

Since we’re now in the Pit, what did you expect? You’re an ignorant, arrogant fool with non-existent logic skills and a severe lack of imagination. You couldn’t present a consistent, coherent idea more complex than 1+1=2, and I have my doubts about that as well.

Ah! The reverse pitting of Sir Kozmik, with his celebrated “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” logic has commenced!

I’ll get the Holy Hand Grenade!

Some posts of mine are true. Some of your posts are false.

This is going great.

a few comments:

No one in this world has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the American people.

The cynics are right nine times out of ten.

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

These were all true when written by H.L. Mencken in the early 20th century, and they remain true today. Conspiracy theories are just a practical tool in aiding the government with it’s control of the people, and the sad thing is, so many people buy into them.

It’s a conspiracy.

Reality does tend to conspire against morons.

If you wanted to post some evidence, that thread was the place to do so, back in GD. Here in the Pit we’re just going to point at you and laugh.

No, it wasn’t lost. You made it. You gave the Dope a living real-time object lesson in why people do and should reject conspiracy theories, and conspiracy theorists. We learned the lesson; go thou and do likewise.

True, but, unfortunately, that works both ways.

It’s so sad when people pick on a message board poster simply for having stupid opinions which he expresses poorly. :frowning:

I suppose it would be more humane to comment on his poor hygiene or the fact that he still lives in his mother’s basement.

You don’t have anything. You spent page after page spouting conspiracy nonsense like some kind of X-Files, and every time someone asked you to post evidence or just asked you explain what the flying fuck you were talking about, you gave a response that was either aggravatingly coy or just plain stupid. I couldn’t tell if you were playing stupid or if you need to see a psychiatrist, but it’s at least one of the two.

Space cases, indeed. I think we’ve finally spotted one in the wild! :eek:

I stick by what I said in the closed thread:

Cocaine is a hell of a drug.

Does anyone know if Kozmik is actually on prescription medications, or if he frequently uses mind-altering drugs? Because I’m constantly amazed at how the things he says just don’t make any sense at all, but in a very colorful way.