I pit you Judge Judy. I pit you to hell!

A consultant with dignity? :eek:

Yeah, pretty much. When I said they were all the same I meant that from a production standpoint, they’re very similar. Same basic set, same no-nonsense music, same sidekick bailiff (who is nearly always a different race and gender from the judge), same stupid cases.

I’m pretty sure that if you put a glass space helmet on her head, she would look like one of the aliens from Mars Attacks!

Actually, now that I think about it, I’m glad she’s on TV. I’d hate to think that she was still in a real courtroom, making judgements on real cases.

George W. Bush does the same thing, but he has the good sense to stay off television as much as possible.

Not to turn this into a Bush-bash, but it was right there.

Makes me want to take up cowboy yodeling.

Can I second that? Whenever I am zapping and I come across that woman I feel like my blood pressure instantly rises. I dislike that woman with genuine passion.

Ack, ack, ack! ACCKK, ACCKK!!


The bailiffs are there to move papers between the contestants (;)) and the judge, and to break it up if fights start.

Oh, and Judge Judy sucks, but Judge Marilyn Milian rules!

Judge Judy is the Jerry Springer of the court room. Their guests are the bottom feeders of society.

Let’s face it, if these people actually went to court: a) they’d clog up the courts with their petty cases; and b) if the plaintiff won, they’d never see a dime from the defendant.

So let them sign on to some syndicated t.v. show where they can parade their stupidity around for everyone’s general amusement, all the while earning a couple thousand bucks so that they can go home and feel that their dignity was worth *something. *

My favorite Rusty moment was in The Case of the Tickless Clock or whatever it was called. Plaintiff complained that the clock repairman didn’t fix his grandfather clock. Defendant claimed he did. Wopner asked Rusty to bring him the clock so that he could inspect it for himself. On the way to the bench, Rusty drops and breaks the clock. Case dismissed!

That’s why you need those bailiff’s – for the Komedy Gold.

I don’t watch courtroom shows intentionally, since I’ve had enough bickering and nastiness in my life so far to last me forever, but once Judge Judy was playing on a television in, say, the waiting room of the oil-change place, and I was pretty impressed with her. One of the participants–I don’t remember whether he was the plaintiff or the defendant–had some kind of complaint about his car. I remember none of the details, just that Judge Judy asked him how much he was paying per month on his car, and he answered something like: “$350.” Then she asked him if paid child support, and he said he did, and she asked him how much it was, and he said: “$125.”

It was eye opening. Had nothing to do with the case, but what a dirtbag the guy was.

I believe Judge Jerry Sheindlin was at one time a judge on the New York State Supreme Court.

Some of Judge Judy’s schtick is meant to shake the litigants up a bit and throw them off guard. She does indeed no many of the tell-tale signs of lying. She knows that she is not a “truth machine.” But she wants them to think she is. She also doesn’t want them comfortable. (“Get your hands out of your pockets. Stand up straight. Look me in the eye.”) It would be hard to follow her orders and keep your lies straight while she is barking at you.

I think her bailiff’s name is Bert.

Also, nothing goes on the air that she doesn’t want on the air. She’s never left powerless.

There’s a large billboard of her somewhere in New York City. When I saw it, I suddenly knew how the people of Tokyo felt when Godzilla showed up.