My understanding is that she was genuinely loathed by her coworkers when she was a “real” judge.
What I hate is the way she has such a double standard about what is and isn’t relevant to a case. The plaintiff has separated from the defendant and is arguing over furniture left in her house. The defendant is trying to tell something that they think is relevant (how much it is relevant you don’t know) but Judge Judy goes into her monkey dance about how “MA’AM! MA’AM! I DECIDE WHAT’S RELEVANT! ALL I WANT YOU TO ANSWER IS DID HE BUY THE FURNITURE WHEN YOU WERE TOGETHER!” (Well there are several extenuating circumstances that may need to be heard to fairly decide this case that can’t be given in a yes/no answer: perhaps he bought the furniture but then he took a car that she paid for and this seems fair for her to keep, or perhaps he bought the furniture but she sold her own and gave him the money to get his teeth fixed, or whatever).
However, the next case involves Plaintiff and Defendent who have a child together and Plaintiff is suing for half the child’s medical expenses that she paid.
Judge Judy: “And you never married him even after you had a child together? Why didn’t you marry him? Do you have other children? Did you marry their father? Does he have other children? How many different mothers? Did you marry them sir? Why not?”
Alright, I can truly understand people having issues with folks having kids out of wedlock by a variety of partners, I’m a bit prudish on that myself, BUT it’s not the least bit relevant to this case. He admits he’s the child’s father, she’s the child’s mother, the only issue is whether he owes part of the child’s medical bills that she paid and if so how much.
I’ve also heard her go off on litigants who were being respectful but using improper grammer. “Learn English! You need to learn proper English! How do you expect to be taken seriously if you talk like that!” I dislike poor grammer and diction as well, but I also understand that some people really and truly don’t know any better- they grew up in a home where that type of syntax and vocabulary and the like is used (be it ebonics or redneck or pidgin English or whatever), they associate with people who talk the way they do, they weren’t great students in high school, etc.- in those cases the only issue is “can you understand what they’re talking about” and if so, get the hell over it. It’s not your job to play Henrietta Higgins to their Eliza, especially when you’re never going to see them again.
Did anybody else see this one? It was a good while ago: the defendant was a real piece of work piece of trash teenager- obviously wasted, the father of three kids and all of about 18, unwashed mullet and a T-shirt they had to digitally blur the caption of, and I think he was being sued by a baby-momma. She started reading him the riot act about acting like a man, he interrupted her long enough to say “Fuck you, bitch” and walked out. She damned near had a stroke and her bailiff (what’s his name? He’s going to kill her one day just like Caligula’s guards, I’ve no doubt, and he’ll have laughed at one of her stupid jokes not two minutes before when he does it) even looks wide eyed and… uh… what exactly are we going to do?.. about the incident. Thing was, of course, that while the defendant legally agreed to be bound by her verdict in exchange for payment for his appearance (and the verdict went to the plaintiff as well as the defendant’s appearance fee up to the judgment amount), there was jack shit she could do about the “fuck you, bitch” walk-out. She can’t hold anybody for contempt, she has no legal authority whatever other than essentially the right to make enforcing contracts (and that extended by the show’s lawyers rather than the state) and you know that had this happened in her courtroom she’d have gunned him down and then had him revived and tortured but the look on her face as she realized just how powerless she was made you forgive the little white-trash kid for this one incident of arrogance. (For all the other incidents of arrogance I’m hoping he gets sent away and used for medical experiments, but this particular one was cool.)